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ScienceAlert: Snot comes in many colors, and can tell you about your health.

It is not common for people to talk about these topics, but let’s break the taboo.

Your nose’s mucus serves many purposes. Its color can tell you and your doctor a lot about what’s going on in your body – especially when it’s been an abnormal shade for a long time.

It’s important to understand that snot is not enough for diagnosing anything.

It is a rare glimpse into the strange ways your body tells you something is up.

Snot colour table. See original Business Insider article for an accessible text version

Clear snot does not necessarily mean all is well

Clear mucus is normal. The body naturally produces lots of mucus

Snot is a combination of protective proteins and salts with water. It protects your nasal passages from germs by acting as a moisturizing barrier that prevents dehydration and foreign object, such as bacteria, from becoming dry. Viral infections.

Anything you breathe can become stuck to mucus, like flypaper. Mucus can be pushed through the throat by the tiny hairs of the nose. It all comes down to the stomachThere, all the bad bugs can be melted by stomach acids.

It’s not only found in your nose. This gel is available in all sizes. moist surfaceYou body, including your nose. But also your lungs, sinuses. Your mouth, stomach and intestines. And even your eyes.

It’s nothing to worry about if your nose has a bit of clear mucus. If the mucus volume is increasing rapidly, this could indicate that you have allergies or are suffering from the flu.

A possible infection could be white snot

White mucus can mean many things.

It is most likely that your nasal passages have become irritated or swollen. This restricts mucus flow and causes it to dry out.

This could be due to allergies, a nasal infection or dehydration.

The mucus is produced by immune cells as they fight against whatever is irritating the nose. Cloudy texture.

This is when your nose can become very dry. This is when It is likely that you are the most contagious.

Although it is a common myth research suggestsSnot is not made cloudier by milk.

If you see yellow snot, it is likely that you are fighting an infection

Your immune system’s white cells are activated when you have an infection RushTo fight and destroy the microbial invasionr (bacteria or otherwise), visit the site Viral.

After they die, the white cells in your body are flushed away with your mucus. This can then dye your body yellow.

Yellow mucus doesn’t mean that you need antibiotics – the body faces infections all the time and is very good at fighting them off.

The virus can also cause an infection. In this case, antibiotics will not work.

This is the best time to just wait and see what happens over the next week.

Also, green snot is a sign that you are likely to fight off an infection

A large accumulation of white blood cells can cause mucus to turn green.

Your doctor should be consulted if your mucus is green for more than a week. FeverFeel nauseated or irritable.

If you have pink or red snot, it means that your nose has blood.

You may have pink or red mucus, which indicates that there is blood in your nose.

You can get this from a variety of reasons, such as allergies, infection and lots of rubbing or blowing. Physical trauma – like walking into a wall face-first – can also turn your snot red.

This could also mean that the air quality is poor. Very dry.

Brown snot could refer to dried blood. Maybe you snorted dirt.

The mucus can become diluted if blood is removed from the nasal lining. brown.

Brown mucus doesn’t always mean blood. You can also get brown mucus from dirt, dust or discoloration from smoking, snuff, and spice.

You should consult a doctor if you cough up brown mucus. This could indicate bronchitis.

Smoking is often the cause of black mucus.

Black mucusThis is especially common in heavy smokers who have a history of lung disease.

You can also inhale dirt or dust, or smoke cigarettes or marijuana.

However, it could also be a sign of serious illness. fungal infectionYou should not, especially if your immune system is compromised.

Consult a doctor if you notice that your mucus has turned black. This is especially true for those suffering from a fever, chills or difficulty breathing.

This article was first published by Business Insider.

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