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HomeScienceScienceAlert: Rhino Horns aren't what they used to be, and we only...

ScienceAlert: Rhino Horns aren’t what they used to be, and we only have ourselves to blame : ScienceAlert

There are hundreds of photographic images and illustrations that show how poaching and intense hunting have affected the rhino’s appearance over time.

The photographs, which are arranged like a conservation flipbook show a steady decrease in rhino horn lengths between 1886 and 2018.

This is the clear trend All five rhino speciesResearch suggests that these changes could be due to poaching or intensive hunting.

“We were thrilled to see that photographs showed that rhino horns had become shorter over the years,” University of Cambridge Oscar Wilson is a Finnish Zoologist. He’s now at University of Helsinki.

“They are probably one of the most difficult things to work with in natural history due to the security concerns.”

Roosevelt with rhino, 1911
Franklin D Roosevelt, US President, poses with a rhinoceros in Africa. 1911. (Public Domain)

Every species of rhino, except the white rhino, is now available.Ceratotherium simum) is Hunting and habitat loss are threatening. Africa’s Black rhinoceros (Diceros bicornis), the Javan rhino (Rhinoceros sondaicus), and the Sumatran rhino (Dicerorhinus SumatrensisParticularly endangered are ).

Even among white rhinos though, the northern subspecies are also present Now, it consists of justTwo women. Preserved Sperm and Artificial InseminationThis is the only way to continue producing offspring.

One of the 500,000 rhinosIt was the first century of the 20th century. Only 26,000 of these are still available.

Since 2007, illegal rhino horn trading and poaching have been rampant The number of people who have been able to afford it has increasedThis may be due to a rising demand for horns in traditional Asian medicine.

Researchers analyzed thousands of images of rhinos from the 16th century to find that the horn-to body ratio was decreasing in all five species.

The authors believe that humans have been deliberately killing rhinos with the largest teeth over time, creating a special pressure to destroy more prominent outgrowths.

Rhino woodcut
Albrecht Dürer woodcut of a rhinoceros in Lisbon in 1515. (Public Domain)

The human demand for ivory has caused a similar pressure in some African elephants. Favoriting a tuskless geneticAt higher rates than in the past. Heavy poaching in both Africa and Asia seems to be shrinking elephant trunks.

Although a shorter horn or tusk might be useful in protecting an elephant or rhino against poachers, shrunken appendages will probably not be as effective as those with longer horns or tusks.

“Rhinos evolved their horns for a reason – different species use them in different ways such as helping to grasp food or to defend against predators – so we think that having smaller horns will be detrimental to their survival,” This explains Wilson.

Sumatran rhino in India, 1913
A Sumatran rhino (Dicerorhinus Sumatrensis) taken in India in 1913. (S.S. Flower 1914

Recent image analysis reveals that humans have changed in how they value rhinos over the years. Beginning in 1950s, rhinos were often depicted as dangerous beasts that should be hunted. The authors then discovered that they have become a symbol for wildlife conservation.

For accurate measurements of horn size, photographs aren’t as reliable as historic illustrations. The authors therefore only used the photos for their measurements. However, even art can reveal some things about our changing relationship with the natural world.

Sumatran rhino
Sumatran rhino (Dicerorhinus SumatrensisIn 1986, he was in a UK safari resort. (Kees Rookmaaker)

Researchers suggest that similar images collections be used to study endangered large animals. This analysis could help us understand how a species evolved over the centuries and how our attitudes toward wildlife have changed.

The study was published by People and Nature.



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