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ScienceAlert: New hybrid virus discovered as flu and RSV fuse into single pathogen

Two instances of this were observed by researchers. Viral infections – influenza A and respiratory syncytial Viral – fuse together to form a single, hybrid Viral.

Although competition between viruses is well-studied, this unusual finding by researchers provides the opportunity to see how one virus can work with another for its own benefit.

Pablo Murcia, senior author and virologist: “This type of hybrid virus has never before been described.” Telled The Guardian. “We are discussing viruses from two totally different families, combining with the genomes of the genes and external proteins of both virus species. It’s a new kind of virus pathogen.

Under the microscope, the hybrid virus looks almost like a gecko’s feet. It has respiratory syncytialvirus (RSV), which forms the legs, and influenza A virus that forms the toes.

It was discovered in a lab experiment that analyzed interactions between viruses during an infection. The aim of the experiment was to improve understanding of clinical outcomes and pathogen behavior.

Both viruses were given to human lung cells, and each virus was also exposed as a control group. A variety of microscopy techniques were used to reveal filamentous structures that could be attributed to a mixture of the virus particles.

Influenza A seems to infect more human cells when these two viruses combine. The influenza A particles displayed the RSV surface proteins which gave the virus an advantage in survival.

The hybrid spread to cells without influenza receptors. This could allow influenza A, which is a respiratory disease, to enter the lungs.

Unfortunately, the merger doesn’t make a lot of sense for RSV. Influenza A’s presence has significantly reduced RSV’s ability to reproduce.

The researchers stated that the experimental setting was limited to a laboratory and “cannot capture the physiological and spatial complexity of the whole respiratory system.” Say it.

The hybrid virus has a higher fitness than influenza when it is merged with another virus. This suggests that viral blatant theft may be a factor in the virus’s increased viability. pneumonia.

“RSV tends not to travel lower into the lungs than the seasonal influenza virus. You’re more likely get more severe disease, the further down you go.” SaysDr Stephen Griffin, virologist AtThe University of Leeds was not involved in this study.

“It is another reason you should avoid being infected multiple viruses. [hybridisation]”is likely to occur more often if we don’t take precautions for our health.” he Says.

Influenza A alone can cause over 5 million hospitalizations every year. RSV is the most common cause for acute lower respiratory tract infection in infants. Reinfection is common later in life.

The researchers said the study raises fundamental questions about viral assembly and that there could be hybrid viruses. Send an email.

“Respiratory viruses are part of a larger community that all target the exact same area of the body. This is like an ecological niche.” SaysJoanne Haney is a virologist.

“We need to understand the interactions between these infections in order to have a better understanding about the biology of each virus.”

This paper was published by Nature Microbiology.



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