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HomeScienceScienceAlert: Most Comprehensive Mapping of our Brains' Memory Bank Reveals Some Surprising...

ScienceAlert: Most Comprehensive Mapping of our Brains’ Memory Bank Reveals Some Surprising Results

Scientists have created the most detailed map yet of the neural highways connecting our gray matter’s memory bank – the hippocampus – with the rest of the brain, revealing unexpected patterns of connections between regions.

“We were surprised to discover fewer connections between the frontal cortical and hippocampus areas, and more connections with early visual processing area than we had expected,” SaysMarshall Dalton, University of Sydney psychologist

There is much to be debated about the role of the Hippocampus in memory. However, neurologists agree that it plays a crucial part in the construction of memory and the integration of it with our perceptions to enable us to make decisions about what the future holds.

We could eventually be able to reverse memory decline by better understanding the role of the hippocampus in conjunction with other parts of the brain.

A new imaging technique is used called Imaging with diffusion weighted – a type of MRI scan that uses diffusion of water molecules through tissues to generate contrast – Dalton and colleagues created a high-resolution map of the connections between the hippocampus and cerebral cortex from the brains of seven adult females under 35 years old.

“We have developed a method that allows us pinpoint the locations where different cortical regions are connected within the hippocampus.” This is something that’s never been done in a human brain.” Says Dalton.

“What we have done is to take a closer look at the white matter paths, which are essentially the highways for communication between different parts of the brain.”

Researchers discovered that the hippocampus contains different messaging networks. Each network is linked to specific parts of the cortex. The brain map that was created from the dissections made of primate brains is largely consistent with what we know about these connections.

Researchers found that there were more connections in the visual processing areas of the brain than in the frontal cortex.

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Non-human primates have been used to perform post-mortem analyses that can reveal finer details at a cellular level. It is possible that humans are still not able to make all the connections.

Dalton suggested that “or it could be that the human hippocampal has fewer connections with frontal regions than we anticipate and more connectivity with visual areas.” This explains.

This is understandable, considering that the hippocampus plays a significant role in memory and imagination. It also helps us to create mental images in our minds’ eye.

Another recent study also showed similar results. AssociationsThese are just a few examples The brain’s various areas. The team is interested in determining if similar patterns can be found across different demographics.

Dalton stated, “As the Neocortex expanded, maybe humans evolved different patterns in connectivity to facilitate human specific memory and visualization functions which, turn around, may underpin our creativity.” Continue reading.

“It’s a bit of a puzzle – we just don’t know. We are puzzle lovers and will continue investigating.

This research was published by eLife.



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