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HomeScienceScienceAlert: Mars's earliest life could have been destroyed in a climate catastrophe

ScienceAlert: Mars’s earliest life could have been destroyed in a climate catastrophe

On ancient microbial lives MarsCould have caused the destruction of the atmosphere on Earth Climate changeRecent research suggests that it was eventually extincted by a combination of these factors.

This new theory is based on a climate modeling study which simulated methane-producing, hydrogen-consuming microbes. MarsIt was approximately 3.7 billion years ago. At that time, the atmospheric conditions were comparable to those found on ancient planets. EarthDuring the same time.

The study, published in the journal Science, October 10th, suggests that Martian microbes have not created an environment that will allow them to flourish and evolve as on Earth. Astronomy in Nature.

This model shows that life on Earth thrived and died on Mars because of differences in the gas compositions and distances between them. Sun. Mars was further away from Earth than our star, so it relied on a more potent fog for heat-trapping TreibhausgasesTo ensure that life is comfortable, you need to have hospitable temperatures.

The ancient Martian microbes that ate hydrogen, a potent greenhouse gas, and produced methane (a significant greenhouse gases on Earth but less potent then hydrogen), slowly ate into the planet’s heat-trapping blanket. Mars became so cold that it was unable to develop complex life.

Related: Curiosity Rover discovers evidence of Mars’ past life

As Martian surface temperatures dropped from a tolerable range between 68 and 14 degrees (10 to 20 degrees Celsius) Fahrenheit to a punishing minus 70° F (minus 57° C), the microbes fled deeper and deeper into the warmer crust of the planet – burrowing more than 0.6 mile (1 kilometer) deep only a few hundred million years after the cooling event.

The researchers are interested in finding out if any ancient microbes have survived to back up their theory. Satellites have detected methane traces in Mars’ thin atmosphere. ‘alien burps’The Curiosity Rover of NASA spotted the microbes, which could indicate that they still exist.

According to the scientists, their findings suggest that life might not be inherently self-sustaining in every environment it encounters. It can also easily wipe itself out by accidentally destroying its foundations.

“The ingredients of life are everywhere in the Universe,” study lead author Boris Sauterey, an astrobiologist at the Institut de Biologie de l’Ecole Normale Supérieure in Paris, France –.

It is possible for life to appear in the Universe. However, the inability to maintain a stable environment on the planet’s surface makes it very difficult for life to survive. This experiment shows that even the most primitive biosphere can have an entirely self-destructive effect.

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This article was first published by Live Science. Please read the Original article available here.



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