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HomeScienceScienceAlert: Mars has just discovered ancient remnants of a giant ocean

ScienceAlert: Mars has just discovered ancient remnants of a giant ocean

No doubt you are familiar with the dry and dusty appearance Mars As it appears today – but scientists have found evidence of a vast ocean existing on the surface of the red planet around 3.5 billion years ago, likely covering hundreds of thousands of square kilometers.

This evidence is in the form distinctive shoreline topography. It can be identified using numerous satellite images of Mars’ surface. If these images are taken at slightly different angles, they can show a variety of features. Relief mapYou can build it.

Researchers were able to map more than 6,500 km (4,039 mi) Fluvial ridgesThese are apparently rivers-carved channels, which indicate that they may be eroded river deltas, or submarine-channel belts, (channels carved from the seafloor).

Gale Crater Landscape
Gale Crater’s floor is located near Aeolis Dorsa. Researchers believe that this region was once home to a huge ocean. (NASA/JPL-Caltech/MSSS)

“The major, innovative thing we did in this paper is think about Mars in terms its stratigraphy as well as its sedimentary record.” says geoscientist Benjamin CardenasPennsylvania State University

“On Earth, we chart waterways’ history by looking at the sediment that has been deposited over the years. That is called stratigraphy. This refers to the idea of water transporting sediment. By understanding how sediment piles up, you can measure Earth’s changes. That’s what we’ve done here – but it’s Mars.”

Use data from the Mars Reconnaissance OrbiterThe team collected data in 2007 and used it to analyze ridge thicknesses, angles, and locations to understand the study area: the topographical DepressionAlso known as the Aeolis DorsaRegion on Mars

Cardenas says it seems likely that significant changes were taking place in this area of the globe many years ago. The evidence for substantial sea level rises and rapid rock movement by rivers and currents is evidence of this. Aeolis Dorsa is home to the largest concentration of fluvial Ridges on Mars today.

All this leads to the search on Mars for life. Scientists are trying to determine if the planet has ever been able to sustain life. This is one of the fundamental questions that scientists are investigating.

“One of the most important points is that an ocean this large means more life potential,” says Cardenas.

It also provides information about the evolution of the climate in ancient times. We know that there was a time when the climate was warm enough to allow for such a large amount of liquid water.

Researchers aren’t content with just the Aeolis Dorsa area.

In a separate StudyPublié in Nature GeoscienceCardenas and other researchers used the same acoustic imaging technology to map ancient Gulf of Mexico seafloors. This allowed them to build a model of how water could have eroded Mars’ surface.

There are huge areas of what might be fluvial ridges all across Mars, and the simulations run by the team are remarkably similar to the shape of the landscape on the red planet – suggesting that there was extensive water coverage at one time.

We’re seeing Continue readingAnd Continue readingThere are signs that water once existed on Mars. Research continues to determine what this might have meant. Where can I find water right now? – though looking back through billions of years of time isn’t easy.

“If tides existed on ancient Mars, they would be here, gently bringing in water.” says Cardenas. “This is the exact type of place that ancient Martian life could’ve evolved.”

The research has been published in Journal of Geophysical Research – PlanetsAnd Nature Geoscience.



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