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HomeScienceScienceAlert: History's Most Terrifying Tsunami Unleashed by the Dinosaur-Killing Asteroid

ScienceAlert: History’s Most Terrifying Tsunami Unleashed by the Dinosaur-Killing Asteroid

The asteroidEarth was destroyed by 66 million years of volcanic activity. This event transformed the life on this planet into a savage wilderness, decimating it dinosaursThis is a breakthrough in biology.

According to new research, the asteroid created a massive tsunami that was thousands of times larger than any wave humanity has ever seen in its short existence.

As it is now known the Chicxulub Asteroid came all the way to the Outer reaches of Solar System, plunging into the shallow waters near the Yucatan Peninsula in modern-day Mexico.

The planet was left with a strong signature by the splashdown. Researchers discovered in 2021 that the waves of the splashdown had a measurable effect on the planet’s surface. carved ‘megaripples’Below the present-day Louisiana central Louisiana, you can see into Earth’s crust

New research by Molly Range of Michigan’s University of Michigan paleoceanographer suggests that Chicxulub asteroid created a tsunami that was so powerful it reached the seafloor and eroded sediments from half a planet away. In terms of energy and size, it dwarfs all other tsunamis recorded in history.

In this simulation, the Chicxulub Asteroid tsunami was first realized worldwide. The team modelled the impact in the first 10 minutes and subsequent ripple effects across the oceans.

Modeling showed that the asteroid produced waves up to 30,000x more energetic than the earth’s science conference. Indian tsunamiIn 2004, Indonesia was hit by one of the most powerful tsunamis recorded.

The Chicxulub Impact’s initial blast displaced enough water to create a wave measuring 1.5 km (0.9 mi) in height. This space didn’t stay empty long. The ocean began to flood back in to fill the gaping cracker, only for it to be re-emerged and create even more waves.

At 1 meter per second, tsunami waves over 10 m (33 feet) high traveled through the deep water at that depth to strike coastlines across the globe.

“This tsunami was strong enough that it disturbed and eroded sediments in ocean basins halfway across the globe. It left either a gap or a jumble older sediments.” Range.

These were the fastest-moving waves and they were the largest. Near the point of impact In the open waters of Gulf of Mexico, more than 100m (328ft) high and moving at more then 100m per second.

Researchers add that tsunamis could also have been caused by earthquakes and underwater landslides in the region.

Map of simulated tsunami created by the Chicxulub asteroid, four hours after impact.
Four hours after impact, Simulated tsunami waves were created by the Chicxulub asteroids. (Range et al., AGU Advances, 2022)

It would be easy to believe that such a catastrophic event would cause scarring all over the planet, but scientists are limited in what they can do with what they find.

Scientists now have a better understanding of how the tsunami struck the globe. They can use sediments from sites far away from Chicxulub crater on Yucatan Peninsula to find more details about the tsunami.

This is important considering all the research it has required. Get rid of all wrinklesThe impact extinction theory describes how dinosaurBiodiversity declined.

Already, the study offers a new perspective to a crucial part of Earth’s history.

Researchers used bathymetry data to calculate the location of the seafloor some 66 millions years ago to produce the terrifying figures of the tsunami’s energy, height, range and size. Although the models’ resolution was not sufficient to capture ancient continents’ shorelines, it was clear how powerful the tsunami of water would have been.

The researchers stated that depending on the geometries along the coast and the advancing wave, most of the coastal areas would be inundated to some extent. surmise.

“Any historical tsunamis are insignificant compared to such a global impact.”

They also found that the tsunami’s path affected many geological boundaries scientists, which are used to determine the event of the dinosaur extinction.

Core samples had gaps, slumps, and truncations in the rock sections – which in some cases, geologists have mistaken for local tectonic activity that occurred at a later date.

The North Atlantic and South Pacific were the areas with the greatest geological disruption. There, the tsunami waves traveled faster than 20 cm per second.

Range and colleagues said that “the most striking confirmation of global significance of an impact tsunami are the highly disturbed, incomplete sections on New Zealand’s eastern shores.” Send an email.

These sites are directly in the path for tsunami propagation. They cover more than 12,000 km [7,500 miles]The impact location is far away.”

Researchers plan to investigate how the Chicxulub asteroids may have caused a series of tsunamis across the globe that were triggered by large atmospheric shockwaves.

Following the Tonga volcanic eruptionEarlier this year Scientists realized the power of these air pressure wavesIn some areas of the Pacific Ocean, waves can reach up to one meter tall

The study was published by AGU Advances.



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