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HomeScienceScienceAlert: Here's how long a cannabis high actually lasts

ScienceAlert: Here’s how long a cannabis high actually lasts

With the decriminalization of cannabis comes a list of questions and concerns over its medical and recreational use – including figuring out how long the drug’s effects actually last for.

Although alcohol consumption has been questioned for decades, society still has not found a reliable way to measure the effects of marijuana on impairment.

A meta-analysisThis timeframe was reduced by 80 papers that were published last year. The user’s ability to remain impaired can vary depending on how much cannabis they consume and how strong it has been.

These information could be used to inform patients’ advisory information, assist recreational users in making better decisions about driving after using cannabis, and update laws to reflect the realities of cannabis impairment.

According to Iain McGregor, a psychopharmacologist at the University of Sydney (USYD), “THC can be detected in your body for weeks after cannabis consumption.” ExplainedIn 2021.

“Our legal frameworks need to catch up to that. They should, like alcohol, be able to focus on the time when users pose a greater risk to themselves or others. It is clearly unjust to prosecute solely on the grounds of THC presence in saliva or blood.

A meta-analysis sounds exactly like it: a review and analysis, with cross-referencing, of relevant scientific literature to arrive at a finding that is based upon a wider array of subjects and methodologies (in our case people), than can be covered by a single study.

A team headed by Danielle McCartney, USYD nutritionist, used 80 studies to examine impairment due to tetrahydrocannabinol, the intoxicating compound found in cannabis. This was the first meta-analysis of this kind.

The team studied 1,534 performance outcomes from cannabis users. This is how people perform at driving and other cognitive tasks after using cannabis.

The duration of impairment depended on three factors: the strength of the THC, whether the cannabis was taken orally, whether it was eaten orally, and whether the individual was a regular or occasional user.

Our analysis shows that impairment can last as long as 10 hours if high doses are taken orally. When lower doses of THC can be consumed by smoking, vaporization, and when simpler tasks are performed, the average duration of impairment is four hours. McCartney.

“This impairment could last six to seven hours if higher doses are inhaled, and complex tasks like driving are evaluated.”

Regular users of cannabis may develop a tolerance to the drug and be able to perform cognitive tasks better than regular users. Regular users of cannabis may experience more intoxication than occasional users, so it’s difficult to predict how much.

“We found impairment to be much more predictable in occasional cannabis users that it is in regular cannabis users.” Thomas Arkell, USYD’s behavioral pharmacologist, explained.

“Heavy cannabis users have a high tolerance for the effects of cannabis on driving, cognitive function, and driving. However, they often show some impairment.”

Although the time it takes to regain driving abilities after inhaling marijuana may vary, most of these findings are consistent with previous research.

For THC’s effects to be fully understood, further research on these time frames for regular users will be needed. Researchers said that once this information is gathered, it can be used to guide legislation.

“Laws should focus on safety on roads and not arbitrary punishment.” McGregor stated. Because cannabis is legalized in more jurisdictions, we need to have evidence-based laws on drug driving.

The research was published by Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews.

An earlier version was published in April 2021.



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