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ScienceAlert: Future missions could be at risk from piles of trash accumulated over decades of exploration

Humans have explored the surface of MarsFor Over 50 years. According to United Nations Office for Outer Space AffairsThere have been many nations that sent 18 objects made by humans to MarsThere have been 14 missions. While many of these missions are still being carried out, there have been many pieces of debris left on Mars’ surface over the years of Martian exploration.

I am a postdoctoral research fellowHe studies the best ways to track Moon and Mars rovers. NASA confirmed mid-August 2022 that Perseverance had found some trash after its landing. This time it was a messy mess of netting. Scientists have discovered trash on Mars before. Because there’s a lot of it.

Where is the debris coming from?

Three main sources of debris on Mars are discarded hardware and inactive spacecraft.

A mission to the Martian surface will require a ModuleIt protects the spacecraft. This module has a heat shield to protect the craft from the planet’s atmosphere, as well as landing hardware and parachute so it can land softly.

The craft discards pieces of the module as it descends, and these pieces can land in different locations on the planet’s surface – there may be a lower heat shield in one place and a parachute in another.

It can also break down into smaller pieces when it hits the ground. It took place during the Perseverance Mars Rover landing in 2021. Martian winds can blow these small pieces around.

A lot of small, windblown trash has been found over the years – like the Material for nettingRecently discovered.

White coloured netting in a pile on the Martian surface, photographed by Perseverance.
The Perseverance rover discovered this piece of netting more than one year after Mars landing. (NASA/JPL-Caltech)

Perseverance Rover spotted a large and shiny thermal blanket about 1.25 miles (2km), from the place where it landed earlier in the year. Both 2012: CuriosityAnd Opportunities in 2005Also, debris was found from the landing vehicles.

Spacecrafts that have crashed or are dead

The Nine inactive spacecraft are currently on Mars’ surfaceThe next type of debris is made up of these items. These are the Mars 3 lander and Mars 6 lander. The Viking 1 lander and Viking 2 lander. The Sojourner rover is the last. Beagle 2 lander lost previouslyThe Phoenix lander and Spirit rover were also part of the collection. These may be more historical treasures than trash, as they are mostly intact.

Martian surface is subject to wear and tear. Certain parts of the Martian surface Curiosity’s aluminum wheels are brokenThese are likely to be scattered along the track of the rover.

Close up of the damaged wheels of the Curiosity Mars rover.
Over the years, the wheels of Curiosity have suffered damage and left behind little bits of aluminum. (NASA/JPL-Caltech)

Some litter is intentional, but Perseverance can make it less so. A drill bit was dropped on the surfaceIt will be possible to do so in July 2021 Swap in a brand new, pristine pieceIt could also continue to collect samples.

Other sources of trash include spacecraft that have been destroyed and the pieces left behind. At least two spacecraft have been lost in the crash, while four more have lost contact just before landing. Safely descending to the planet’s surface is the hardest part of any Mars landing mission – and it It doesn’t always go as planned.

Add up all the spacecraft sent to Mars and you’ll get around 22,000 pounds (99979 kilograms). Subtract the weight of the currently operational craft on the surface – 6,306 pounds (2,860 kilograms) – and you are left with 15,694 pounds (7,119 kilograms) of human debris on Mars.

Why is trash important to us?

The main concern for scientists about trash on Mars today is the threat it poses to future missions.

Perseverance teams are now documenting every piece of debris they find, and checking to make sure it doesn’t contaminate any samples the rover is currently collecting. NASA engineers also thought about whether Perseverance might get caught in debris from the landing, but have not yet made a decision. It was concluded that the risk is low.

The history of debris on Mars is what makes it so important. The early milestones in human exploration of Mars are represented by the spacecraft and its parts.The Conversation

Cagri Kilic, Postdoctoral Fellow in Robotics West Virginia University

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