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HomeScienceScienceAlert: Expert explains why male birth control options are so limited

ScienceAlert: Expert explains why male birth control options are so limited

It is now even more important to develop more contraception options for all people in the wake of Roe V. Wade’s reversal.

Both women and those who can get pregnant are eligible Many effective birth control methodsAvailable: Implants, patches, injections.

Options for men and women who produce sperm are limited. Both withdrawal and condoms are options. High failure rates. The failure rate for withdrawal is around 20% If condoms are used correctly, the failure rate is only 2 percent. However, this rate can rise to 13 percent depending on how often they are used.

The failure rate for vasectomies is less than 1%, but they are minimally invasive and considered permanent contraceptives. Vasectomies and withdrawal do not protect against sexually transmitted infection.

Since the introduction of the, there hasn’t been any new method of male birth vasectomy“In the 1980s. Together with my team, ISince the 1970s, they have been creating male contraception methods.

I believe new, safe, reversible, and affordable contraceptives options can help men take part in and share contraceptive responsibilities. Reducing the incidence of unintended pregnancies.

Take responsibility for family planning

A 2017 surveyOver 80 percent of 1,500 men aged 18-44 felt they could prevent their partner getting pregnant.

Dissatisfied men with condoms are more inclined to use withdrawal as a method of contraception or not use it at all. However, 87 per cent of condom-dispsatisfied men are open to trying new contraceptives.

This is equivalent to an estimated 17 million men in AmericaThey are searching for new methods to prevent unintended pregnancies.

Similar results were found in a 2002 survey that included over 9,000 men from nine countries across four continents. More than 55 percentI would be open to trying out a new method of male contraception.

A 2000 survey on three continents revealed that this was the case. 98% of womenThey would trust their partner to use a male method of birth control.

Male contraception barriers

A strong interest in a male contraceptive raises questions about why there have not been new male birth control methods developed since the 1980s.

The majority of male contraceptive development has been supported by both governmental and non-governmental organisations, including the World Health OrganizationCollaboration with academic medical centres

These agencies do not often have access to a drug development infrastructureSimilar to pharmaceutical companies, programs are typically managed by a small number of people supported by clinical research organisations. Development is further slowed down by limited financial resources.

Insufficient interest from pharmaceutical companiesIt is possible that male contraception may be deterred, and there are many reasons why the drug industry avoids male birth control.

This is due to the fact that the development cost must be balanced against uncertainties regarding the potential market. There are also uncertainties regarding who would distribute these drugs. Regulative requirementsFDA approval for male contraceptive methods. If pregnancy does occur, companies may be concerned about their liability.

New methods are currently being developed

Researchers are looking at several methods for male contraception.

Hormonal methodsThey are often used as an oral pill, a gel that is applied to the skin or injection into the muscles. These methods often contain testosterone and a prostagin. Two pituitary hormones are suppressed by the progestin, which is used to suppress the production of sperm in the testes.

Although testosterone is required to make sperm for the testes, it is often included in hormonal procedures to ensure adequate levels of the hormone.

Contrary to what you might think, testosterone may actually be beneficial. Suppress sperm formationThis is because increasing testosterone levels above a certain point suppresses the same pituitary hormones. Further, sperm production is suppressed when a progestin is added.

The ongoing research for the most advanced hormonal contraceptive candidate in development is currently underway Second stage clinical studyThis has attracted over 400 couples from all four continents. As the principal investigator, I was involved in this trial at Lundquist Institute.

Sponsored by The, the results of the study Eunice Kennedyshriver National Institute of Child Health and Human DevelopmentThe Population CouncilThe results have been encouraging with very few side effects. Both the couples and the gel have been accepted by them.

My team and I are also working together to develop drugs that work like Both testosterone and progestin are availableHowever, it is only one compound. These drugs are currently being tested early in humans for use as an oral or long-acting medication.

Methods that are not hormonalThese drugs are directed at sperm-producing organisms and decrease sperm function or concentration. While nonhormonal drugs have shown efficacy on animal models, preclinical toxicology is required before clinical trials to prove safety, tolerability, and efficacy in humans can be initiated. FewMany of these methods are working towards first-stage Clinical trials.

A nonhormonal alternative is to reversibly block the vas-deferens, which is an organ that transports fertilizer. The Sponsored Study Male Contraceptive Initiative Parsemus FoundationAre you testing? hydrogelsThe vas deferens is blocked by sperm, a type o polymer that retains water.

People are willing to try new contraceptives. Collaboration between academic, government, non-profit, and pharmaceutical sectors can lead to new birth control options that are safe, reversible and acceptable for everyone.The Conversation

Christina Chung-Lun Wang, Physician/Investigator at Lundquist Institute at Harbor-UCLA Medical Center and Professor of Medicine at David Geffen School of Medicine, University of California Los Angeles

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