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HomeScienceScienceAlert: Electric discharge from plants may be changing air quality in ways...

ScienceAlert: Electric discharge from plants may be changing air quality in ways we didn’t expect : ScienceAlert

When lightningFlashes above may cause plants to respond by sending out signals.

Scientists know that trees and plants can emit visible electric discharges from their tips when they are caught under the electricity generated by thunderstorms. These discharges, also known as coronas or blue sparks, can sometimes be visible around charged objects as faint, blue sparks.

New research shows that plant-based sparks could be altering the environment. air qualityIt’s a way of life that isn’t known yet. However, it is still unclear whether these microshocks will have any positive or detrimental effects on the atmosphere.

The study was published in the Journal of Geophysical Research: AtmospheresResearchers recreated thunderstorm-related electrical fields in a laboratory. They then analyzed coronas emitted by eight species of plants under various conditions.

The results showed that all of the coronas created a high abundance of radicals – chemicals containing unpaired electrons that are highly reactive with other compounds – which can significantly alter the surrounding air quality.

Lead researcher in the study said, “While not much is known about the extent of these discharges, we estimate coronas from trees under thunderstorms could potentially have significant impacts upon surrounding air.” Jena JenkinsPenn State University atmospheric scientist, Jeremy Sullivan, stated in a Statement.

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Hydroperoxyl (HO) and hydroxyl are the two radicals released by plant coronas.2Both of these are negatively charged and have been known to oxidize or steal electrons from a variety of chemical compounds. This can transform them into other molecules.

Researchers were especially interested to see the concentrations and effects of hydroxylradios on air quality.

Study co-author: “The total atmospheric oxidation is many atmospheric pollutants is influenced by the hydroxyl radical.” William BruneAccording to the statement, Penn State University meteorologist, Dr..

If a hydroxyl radical reacts to, for example Greenhouse GasesIt can also remove harmful molecules from the atmosphere, such as methane. Climate ChangeBrune said so.

However, if the same radioactive reacts with oxygen it can cause a variety of problems. ozoneDespite its importance in the upper atmosphere,, is toxic to people. He said that radicals can also produce aerosol particles that damage the quality of the air.

Researchers have demonstrated the connection between thunderstorms and hydroxyl radis for many years.

Brune led a research team that discovered that lightning is a major source of hydroxyl radicals within the atmosphere in 2021. Their paper was published in the journal. ScienceAccording to the team, thunderstorms could be responsible for approximately one-sixth as many hydroxyl radicals found in the atmosphere.

Brune led a second team that published a follow up study in September. It was published in the journal. Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary SciencesThis study showed that coronas from metallic objects like telephone poles and transmission towers produce slightly more hydroxyl radicals per unit of plant coronas.

However, both plant and artificial coronas produce significantly less radicals than lightning.

“Even if the charge generated from the [plant]Jenkins stated, “Corona was weaker that the sparks and lightning before it, but we still saw extreme amounts this hydroxyradical being made.”

Given the large number of trees found in lightning-prone areas and their potential for causing a lot of damage to air quality, she suggested that plant-produced coronas could be an understudied source.

Jenkins stated that there are approximately two trillion trees around areas where thunderstorms are most common, and that there are 1,800 storms currently going on at any one time.

Researchers are keen to study these coronas more closely to understand their effect on localized air quality as well as on a larger global scale.

Jenkins stated, “The atmosphere’s greatest cleanser is the hydroxyl Radical.” A better understanding of the source of this stuff can help us understand what’s going on in the atmosphere.

Studies have also shown that thunderstorms can become more powerful and frequent as a result of human-caused factors. Climate ChangeIt is important to understand the effects of thunderstorms and air quality, she said.

The team discovered another important discovery during the experiments that could accelerate this field of research. The leafy discharges released sharp spikes of Ultraviolet radiation.

This could enable the team to indirectly study coronas in the field and measure their effect on nearby air quality.

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This article was first published in Live Science. Please read the Original article here.



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