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HomeScienceScienceAlert: Astronomers Capture the Incredibly Rare View of a Star Hours After...

ScienceAlert: Astronomers Capture the Incredibly Rare View of a Star Hours After It Exploded

Astronomy is not for everyone. It is rare to see a star in its final moments.

An international team of researchers was able to measure the flash of light produced by a distant supernova with a little help from a cluster of galaxies.

These data will enable them to test theories regarding what the star’s dying light could tell about its size.

It is too far away for telescopes to see in detail. It is so far away that it took around 11.5 billion years for its light to cross the vast expanse. Once it reached our doorstep, it was tangled in the bright glow of many other stars in the galaxy.

We can see the star’s glow changing and we can learn a lot about its death. It lived.

The mess of starlight passed somewhere between here and there within a section Abell 370 galaxy cluster – a knot of several hundred galaxies roughly 4 billion light years away.

The presence of so many galaxies in close proximity to each other is bound to create a large dimple in the cosmic landscape. This will cause the star’s light slightly to bend as it passes through.

The result was similar to a large, galaxy-sized telescope. It had a scratched, wrinkled lens that was warped by uneven gravity.

A configuration is referred to as an “an” Einstein crossThe original light was magnified, copied and produced subtly different versions as the distant galaxy appeared at different times in time.

Researchers discovered the gravitationally lensed light ring in a Hubble Space Telescope star survey in 2010. The researchers were able turn the light into something useful with some clever modeling.

Various images of light emitted by a supernova.
Multiple images of supernova. (Chen et al., Nature, 2022)

The light from each smear was examined and revealed that it contained the swelling glow of an exploding Star. It was visible for eight days. One showed the light within six hours of the initial burst.

These three blurs of light show details of the supernova cooling slowly over a week. It went from a hot 100,000 Kelvin to a cool 10,000 K.

Stars that are dying of certain sizes don’t sleep well into the night. They are depleted of the atomic fuel they need to light their fires and cool enough to allow their cores to burst with an explosion that causes the mother of all nuclear blasts.

Knowing It is precisely when a star appears.Researchers are working on the concept of “will go bang”. Although supernova explosions and expanding gas shells can be found easily, it takes luck to catch a star at the moment of death.

Astronomers could see the dying star’s signature flash in a distant galaxy. They also knew the details of the changes in the star’s light over a short time period.

This information is used to verify models that show how stars’ material reacts to radiation from within. Stars heat up in a flash, then cool down again.

Based on what they discovered in this case the team believes the star that they witnessed in its dying minutes had a radius of more than 530 times the diameter of our Sun.

This study does not only support theoretical models for the evolution supernovae and stars that produce them but also opens up new avenues to analyze a whole population of stars in the early Universe.

That’s about as close as we can get to an invitation of a star’s final fleeting moments.

This research was published in Nature.



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