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ScienceAlert: 20-Year Research Shows that a renowned diet doesn’t do much to reduce dementia risk

According to a 20-year Swedish study, the chances of developing dementia are not lower if you eat a Mediterranean diet.

The cognitive benefits that the so-called “Bad Brain” has been shown in previous studies. Mediterranean diet – broadly defined as a diet rich in vegetables, legumes, fruits, fish, and unsaturated fats, such as olive oil, and low in dairy, red meats, and saturated fats – have turned up mixed results, according to the National Institutes of Health’s National Institute on Aging (NIA).

Two 2019 studies were published in the journal. JAMAThis included thousands of people, and many decades of follow up There is no evidence to suggest that the Mediterranean diet decreases dementia riskOr that The quality of your diet can affect dementia risk, broadly.

A new Swedish study further challenges the diet’s validity. Brain-bolstering benefits.

First author stated that there was no association between conventional diet habits and adherence to the Mediterranean diet and dementia incidence. Dr. Isabelle GlansLive Science received an email from a member of the Clinical Memory Research section at Lund University in Sweden.

These results, which are similar to those from previous studies of similar length and size, were published in the journal on 12 October. Neurology.

However, as with many other studies, the research used self-reported diet data from participants. This may not have been 100% accurate and could lead to some skewing of the results.

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Diet and dementia: The effects of diet

Ancel Keys, physiologist and Margaret Keys are a husband and wife duo who drew the Mediterranean diet from Ancel Keys’ influential research into the link between men and their risk of developing cancer. HerzStrike and attack.

Research suggests that diets low-in saturated fat are protective against cardiovascular disease. Ancel and Margaret took inspiration from Greek, Italian and other Mediterranean cuisines when writing their popular diet books. The Conversation.

According to the NIA the Mediterranean diet could reduce the risk of dementia indirectly by protecting against cardiovascular disease.

Plaque buildup is the reason. arteries(Atherosclerosis), strokes; high blood pressure, high blood cholesterol Blood sugar?, and DiabetesAll of these factors can increase the risk for dementia. A healthy diet and lifestyle can help to lower this risk.

While the Swedish study does not refute this idea completely, it suggests that diet alone has no significant influence on cognitive function in later years.

“Diet as a single factor may not have sufficient impact on cognition. However, it is more likely to been considered as one factor that influences the course of cognitive function. Dr. Nils P.Dr., a neurology specialist at Stroke Center Klinik Hirslanden, Zurich, Switzerland. Benedetta NacmiasIn a 12 October 2012, he wrote a letter to a University of Florence associate professor of neurology. CommentPublié in Neurology.

They also suggested that regular exercise, avoiding smoking, moderation in drinking and maintaining a healthy blood pressure are important factors. According to the study, there is evidence that regular physical activity and constant blood pressure control can protect against cognitive decline. These factors may be more important than diet. NIA.

The new research included data from about 28,000 people who took part in the Malmö Diet and Cancer Study, a study launched in the Swedish city of Malmö in the 1990s.

The average age of the participants was 58 at the start of the study. Participants completed a week-long food diary, a questionnaire detailing their diet, and an interview about their eating habits.

This information was used by the research team to “scored” participants on how strict they adhered to either the standard Swedish dietary guidelines or the Mediterranean version.

Related: A major Mediterranean diet study was retracted. However, doctors still recommend it.

In the following 20 years, 1.943 people (or 6.9%) were diagnosed with dementia. These diagnoses covered the most common forms, dementia related to. Alzheimer’s DiseaseVascular dementia (AD) and Alzheimer’s Disease (VD), which are caused by poor blood flow to the brain.

The researchers found that participants who ate a Mediterranean diet or a traditional diet had a lower rate of any type of dementia than those who did not. The researchers also discovered no association between diet and any specific marker of dementia. Alzheimer’sDisease, which was screened in approximately 740 of those with cognitive decline.

Peters and Nacmias concluded that the study did not show a particular effect of diet on cognitive function. They noted that the study is not without its limitations, as were previous studies.

One example is that the baseline dietary information of each participant might not reflect changes over time. Additionally, participants in studies may have reported their true dietary habits incorrectly.

Long-term randomised controlled trials are the best way for testing the long-term impact of the Mediterranean diet upon cognition. Participants would be required to adhere to a specific diet plan or be given all of their food for a prolonged period of time. They’d also be closely monitored for signs and symptoms of dementia.

In their report, the authors of the study wrote that “It is not possible to design a 20 year randomized controlled trial with strict diet habits to follow.”

These trials can be found on both the NIA site and the The Clinical Trials Search. The evidence isn’t clear that the Mediterranean diet can prevent dementia.

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This article was first published by Live Science. Learn more Original article here.



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