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HomeBusinessRussians Torture Ukrainian Troops and Civilians at 10 Sites In Izium: AP

Russians Torture Ukrainian Troops and Civilians at 10 Sites In Izium: AP

  • A Associated Press investigation revealed that Russian soldiers tortured at least 10 Izium sites.
  • According to AP, torture of civilians and soldiers in Ukraine was common during the Russian occupation.
  • UN investigators recently found that Russia committed war crimes in Ukraine, including torture.

According to an investigation by, Russian soldiers tortured civilians and soldiers at 10 locations in Izium. The Associated PressSunday

AP’s investigation found that torture in the city was widespread, arbitrary, and routine for both soldiers and civilians, based on more than a dozen interviews of survivors and reporting on-the-ground.

In April, the war began and Russian troops occupied Izium in eastern Ukraine. It is located in the Kharkiv Region. But the Ukrainian forces managed to repel them with successful counteroffensives last month. Russia was pushed back. The Ukrainians took the city back on September 10, after six months of occupation.

Reports of atrocities quickly followed the Russian retreat. Ukrainian officials claimed they were working on identifying the perpetrators. More than 400 civilianswho were buried in an open grave. Some of the bodies showed signs of torture, such as ropes tied around their necks.


President Volodymyr ZelenskyyIzium could be included in the list of places where Ukrainian civilians are subject to violence at hands of Russian soldiers.

Associated Press (AP) identified 10 different sites where torture was committed. These included an underground prison, a police station and a kindergarten.

Mykola Moskiyn, a Ukrainian soldier aged 38, said to AP that he had been tortured multiple times and was eventually captured.

“They beat me with sticks. He said that they hit me with their hands and kicked me. “They said, ‘Dance’, but I didn’t. They shot my feet.

Mosyakyn stated that one of the torture facilities located at a school had rooms for electrocution or waterboarding. He told AP that he witnessed bodies of civilians being tortured to death and dragged away. At night, he could hear screams coming from the women who were kept apart from the male prisoners. Officials from Ukraine’s intelligence agency said that the Russian soldiers repeatedly raped women.


Since the beginning of the war, reports about torture by Russian soldiers circulated almost daily. United Nations Commissioned InvestigatorsLast month, it was concluded that terrible war crimes were committed in Ukraine. 

Russian soldiers were found to have committed rapes, tortured, including children, according to the investigation. In some cases, victims’ families were also made aware. The UN team stated that Russian forces had committed many other war crimes including the use and misuse of prohibited weapons systems, airstrikes against crowded areas, and civilian executions.

Torture is used on soldiers and civilians. war crimeUnder international law

It has been reported that Russian troops have discussed possible war crimes with each other. Ukrainian officials intercepted audio and obtained by The New York TimesOne Russian soldier confided to his girlfriend that he had received an “A” grade. In order to “kill everybody we see”,This includes civilians.



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