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HomeBusinessRussian Mothers are turning deadbeat dads over to Putin's Military Draft

Russian Mothers are turning deadbeat dads over to Putin’s Military Draft

  • A group Russian women attempted to send in their fathers to fight Vladimir Putin’s war in Ukraine.
  • In September Putin created a military draft to obtain an additional 300,000. These troops were needed to fight in Ukraine.
  • They argue that deadbeat exes are more useful in war than dead.

Russian women who were left by their husbands are now finding the silver lining in Vladimir Putin’s military draft. They have turned their exes over to the draft to get financial compensation.

Russian President Vladimir Putin’s Failure to wage warIn Ukraine, a “Partial military mobilization”In which 300,000. Conscripts for the futureThey were asked to fight. The draft sparked outrage and fear — Insurmountable protests are evidencedRussians Failing to flee the country

But Russian investigative outlet VerstkaReports state that dozens of women joined forces to try to persuade their ex-partners to join the military. They gave the enlistment offices personal information from the men who had abandoned them and their children. Verstka reports that at least 70 women have formed an online community to share their stories and discuss the plot.

Svetlana Mihaiilova, a factory worker, said to Verstka that her ex husband called her twice during the mobilization effort. But she didn’t respond.

Mikhailova said that he is tall and strong and he had served in the Army. “I believe he is in good physical and mental health. It would be unfair for them not to mobilize him, but mobilized our 19 year-old son with epilepsy. Or my partner who is raising the children with me.”

What the Russian courts couldn’t solve?

Verstka told the story about three other women who joined the scheme and used pseudonyms throughout. The claims were not independently verified by Insider.

“Immediately after Putin announced, I thought: If my ex went into war, he would repay the debt. This is because he will be receiving official payments to an accounts that you can’t hide before the bailiffs. Inna Kruglova (a technologist) told Verstka that if he is injured or dies, the child has the right to compensation.

Women claim that Putin’s military order could produce better results than the courts. This is because these fathers have been able to abandon their children without any financial support.

“I believe that both parents should have responsibility for the child. It’s not possible to just leave it like that. Unfortunately, our laws are designed to protect bastards from alimony. Ekaterina Kolova, a copywriter, stated that they are not subject to harsh punishments. Kotova stated that her ex husband had an alcohol addiction, which forced her to kick him out of her home when her child was young. However, Kotova claims that her ex-husband has not helped to raise the child and she owes him 632 million rubles.

Lilia Sergeeva is an entrepreneur. She told the outlet that her ex husband was being charged with and sentenced to correctional labor for not paying Alimony. But she asked, “What good does this mean to me?”

Sergeeva said that she has a 17-year old daughter with her ex-husband. He hasn’t “been paying Alimony or has not participated in any way in the upbringing and care of our child.”

“If he gets killed, it will be even better.”

Many women don’t believe that the risk of death is a factor in their decision-making, and argue that they are not being harmed by absent exes.

“I don’t care about whether my ex-husband can withstand the weight at the front or how long he will stay there. Women can endure the physical labor of motherhood, so why should a mature man have to? Sergeeva stated that to provide for children, many must work like hell.” I understand there is a chance of death during this’special operation. My ex-husband was a human being long ago. If he is sent to fight and does not survive, I will receive only official confirmation that he does not exist — and all the payments due to the heirs.”

“He doesn’t think about his daughter’s life or the dinner she ate. Sergeeva also asked if she had ever eaten dinner.

Kotova even claims that her son would be better off without her ex-husband.

“I don’t think I should feel sorry about him. He has not been in touch with his son for four years, even though he lives 40 km away. “My child sees a dad in every passing man. My only thought is that he should have died before I can take my son to my grave.

“Ofcourse, I was curious about how I would feel if my son died there. But for 12 years now, my son and I have not seen or heard him, although we live in the same city — so it makes little difference to me if he exists or not. Kruglova said that if he is killed, it would be a good thing: the child will be compensated.”

Oleksandr Vinogradov translated.



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