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HomeBusinessRon DeSantis' 'Pitbull Trump Defender’ Ad Resurfaces amid Feud

Ron DeSantis’ ‘Pitbull Trump Defender’ Ad Resurfaces amid Feud

  • Twitter is abuzz with an old Ron DeSantis campaign clip.
  • In the 2018 clip, DeSantis calls himself a “pitbull Trump defender.”
  • But Trump this month slammed DeSantis and gave him the unflattering nickname “Ron DeSanctimonious.”

A campaign ad featuring Florida Governor. Ron DeSantis’s old campaign ad for Florida Governor, in which Ron calls himself a “pitbull Trump advocate,” is trending on Twitter.

This video was posted on a liberal-leaning twitter account Patriot TakesSunday. As of press time, the 30-second video had been viewed more that 60,000 times.

The ad is which Dates back to 2018DeSantis is seen playing with his children in the video. DeSantis’ wife appears in the spot. Casey DeSantis, he is not only a candidate who was backed by Donald Trump, but a “mazing dad.”

DeSantis, at one point, can be seen in the ad reading Trump’s book, “The Art of the Deal,” while sitting in an armchair.

“Then Mr. Trump said, ‘You’re fired!’ DeSantis utters, “I love that part,” as DeSantis watches the clip with the words “pitbull Trump Defender” flashing on the screen.

DeSantis encourages his child to watch the video. “Build the wall”By stacking toy bricks. He was also seen showing his children a Trump campaign sign. This is presumably teaching the child how to read “Make America Great Again.”

DeSantis won the 2018 gubernatorial election. The former president’s claims were fuelledTrump’s endorsement helped him win his governorship.

The 2018 ad circulates online at a pivotal moment in the governor’s relationship with Trump. Trump was elected last week. DeSantis are exoneratedOn social media, he called the Florida governor “average” while accusing him delinquency. DeSantis was also credited by him. Political Rise.

In accordance with his Habit of giving unflattering nicknames for political opponentsThis month, the former president was also called the governor “Ron DeSanctimonious.”

A source close to DeSantis said last week that he was informed by a source. The New York PostThe Florida governor is Trump’s jabs ignoredBecause he realizes there’s no upside to playing in the mud alongside Trump.

Trump and DeSantis are the The top contenders for 2024 Republican presidential ticket.Trump announced on November 8th that he would run for president in 2024. However, neither man has stated that he will be running. TeasedHe stated that he would make an announcement in “very, very, very little time.”

DeSantis is the same. You did not make a commitmentDuring a October debate, he was elected to four years of full-time governorship. A DeSantis representative InsiderThe governor stated that he is now “focused on Florida” and would like to run for reelection in his role as governor.

Insider reached out to Trump and DeSantis representatives but they did not respond immediately.



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