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HomeAnimalsRetired military dog reunites with soldier

Retired military dog reunites with soldier

When Szultan’s current handler sent Staff Sgt. Angela Lowe sent a message to Szultan’s current handler asking if she would consider taking him in after he retired. She hadn’t seen her ex-military dog in four years.

“If a dog is a dog or food-hostile, it can be challenging to place it because some individuals can’t take the dog home”, according to Lowe. “And I had a small amount of worry that he would be put to death.”

A unique bond

Lowe had a special bond with Szultan because she was the canine’s first caretaker. At first, he was extremely erratic. He wanted to complete his work in his own style and sometimes even hurt people. It was a lot of work to prepare him for the service.

“I did make a deal with Szultan. I was like, ‘Hey, look, man. I know you’re grumpy. Please don’t bite me. Please. I’ll respect you. I respect you. And we will figure this out together,’” said Lowe. “After we did that, we started meshing. He was a great guy. I absolutely could trust him one hundred percent.”

Lowe’s physique unfortunately underwent a lot of stress as a result of the physical rigors of training military dogs. Lowe began to have hand problems and would often drop the leashes. Lowe was forced out of the Air Force after undergoing two spinal operations.

“Leaving Szultan was really hard for me. You have your pets at home, and of course, you love them, but it’s different,” she said. “It’s indescribable how bonded you are to your dog. I don’t think I’ll ever have a love for a career like I did with working dogs.”

Lowe frequently thought about Szultan even after she had left the military, often wondering what his status was. She contacted other service members to find out more. She lost contact with them over time and moved to Pittsburgh in order to finish her education.

A chance reunion

Lowe was given just two weeks to bring Szultan home from Charleston, South Carolina. After responding to the handler’s request that she welcome him to her home, Lowe was allowed to take Szultan with her for two weeks. Lowe couldn’t make the 10-hour journey from Pittsburgh due to her overburdening school and work. Instead, Lowe contacted Mission K9 Rescue, which facilitates reunions between military dogs and their handlers.

“Once the dog retires, no matter where they are, they are not considered a military service member anymore. They have become a pet, not a vet,” said Kristen Maurer, president of Mission K9 Rescue. “The military is not allowed to put a pet on a flight, so they’ll ask us to step in and get the dog.”

The organization’s mission is to save, reunite and place retired working dogs that have in some way helped humanity. Since 2013, over 1,100 dogs were saved and more than 540 working dogs and their handlers were reunited.

“We are very respectful of what we know they are capable of when it’s a dog that we’ve been advised has some behavioral issues. When I asked Angela if we could fly him, she responded, “No, not a good idea,” Maurer recalled.

Instead, the crew traveled from Texas and South Carolina to pick Szultan up, then drove the dog to Pittsburgh in a rented car.

Lowe remained outside, talking to Maurer, while Szultan waited. She was thrilled to meet the dog she had built such a close relationship with. A hesitant Szultan walked directly into Lowe’s warm arms as soon as the truck came up and his carrier door opened. “I realize how terrifying it is. Yes, large dude. She soothed him, “It’s all so new, it’s OK. “Bob, welcome to the pack.”

After all that Szultan had done while serving, Maurer wished him a happy and fulfilling retirement. “He needs to relax on a sofa and enjoy being pampered and adored. Angela promised that she would undoubtedly accomplish it.

After their meeting, Szultan felt more relaxed than Lowe in just a few days.

It’s like having a piece of the Air Force with me, she said, having him return so unexpectedly. “I can’t wait for summer so I can go out with my friend Szultan and sit on a patio and have a few drinks.”

Source: AARP



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