Wednesday, November 23, 2022
HomeAnimalsRescuer Seeks Out Rusty Hole

Rescuer Seeks Out Rusty Hole

One local dog rescuer scoured the rural Romanian trails looking for anyone in need.

He suddenly became apparent to her. The tiny dog was barely visible peeking out from underneath the cover of the rusted conveyor belt.



The dog’s adorable brown eyes caught the rescuer’s attention as he knelt down to get a better view. When she held her hand out, the canine friend happily gave him a few kisses.

Here’s a video showing the rescuer spotting and rescuing the puppy.



Without thinking twice, the savior picked up the pup—later given the name Chance—and brought him to the security of a nearby shelter run by Annie’s Trust For Dogs.

Chance wasn’t sure what to make of his new surroundings at first. It took him some time to adjust to the new environment. Eventually, Roxy, a volunteer, won Chance’s affection. As he began to relax and realize that the refuge was safe, his personality began to emerge.



“He was terrified at first and was physically shaking,” a representative from Annie’s Trust For Dogs told The Dodo. “After spending time getting to know Roxy and realizing she was feeding and caring for him, he is coming out of his shell.”

Chance is content living at the shelter now, where he has fun with other dogs and doesn’t have to worry about being alone.


Chance will eventually leave shelter and travel to Britain, where he’ll find a permanent home.

This dog, originally kept in an outdated piece of equipment, will soon find a comfortable home of his own.


Source: The Dodo



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