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HomeBusinessReport: Captured Russian Soldiers Look Like They Have Been Killed at Close...

Report: Captured Russian Soldiers Look Like They Have Been Killed at Close Range

  • UN reviewing reports that 10 Russian prisoners of War may have been executed by Ukrainians.
  • The New York Times reviewed videos that show Russian soldiers being killed close to home.
  • Since Russia’s invasion unprovoked, war crimes against Ukraine and Russia have been reported.

The United Nations is looking into reports that 10 Russian prisoners of war may have been executed by Ukrainians. Videos authenticated by The New York Times appear to show a line of Russian soldiers that had been killed at close range.

These grisly videos were first published on Ukrainian news websites and social media channels. They do not show the murders but the before-and-after shots of Russian soldiers lying in line on the ground, looking like they had been shot at close range. The Times reported. 

According to The Times the videos were shared by Ukrainian channels as an example of the country’s success in defending itself against Russian invaders. According to Telegram has received a statementAccording to a spokesperson from the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs the clips “further proof of the crimes committed Ukrainian neo Nazis.”

Marta Hurtado spoke for UN Human Rights Office and stated that they were aware of the videos. Send a statement to Reuters. “Allegations regarding summary executions of people who are hors-de combat should be investigated promptly and fully, and all perpetrators must be held accountable. French “horse combat” is “out of combat”, and it refers to combat-incapable people. 

Allegations of war crimes — including Rapes, Torture?, and Executions — have been reported Both Russians UkrainiansSince Russia’s unprovoked invasion of February, however Matilda Bogner (head of the UN Human Rights Monitoring Mission to Ukraine), ReutersWhile it seems “fairly systemic” to treat Ukrainian prisoners by Russians, it is “not systemic” for Ukraine’s soldiers to be mistreated by Russians.

Insider reached out to representatives of the United Nations Office for the High Commissioner for Human Rights but they did not respond immediately. 



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