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HomeBusinessPutin's Response to Russia's Ukraine Losses

Putin’s Response to Russia’s Ukraine Losses

  • Ukrainian troops have made significant advances in counteroffensive to Russian forces.
  • According to reports, Russian troops fled contested areas abandoning weapons and ammunition.
  • Insider spoke to two professors about the possible reactions of Russian President Vladimir Putin.

Here is an edited, translated version An articleIt first appeared on September 13, 20,22.

Volodymyr Zelenskyy, President of Ukraine Last weekThe nation’s armed force had shown great positive attributes in opposition to Russian forces. They “liberated and assumed management of more than 30 settlements” in the Kharkiv region.

Ukrainian troops The Telegraph advised this weekendRussian forces fled the world, and the Ukrainian forces were overwhelmed by the amount of ammunition and weaponry they left behind.

The victory of Ukraine’s counteroffensive has raised hopes for a turnaround in Russia’s army within the war that Russia fought more than six months ago. Insider spoke to Carlo Masala (a professor of global politics at Bundeswehr College München), which is part of the German Armed Forces, and Peter Neumann (a professor of safety research in the division of struggle Research at King’s Faculty London) about how Russian President Vladimir Putin might react.

What does this mean for Ukraine?

Masala stated that Ukrainians shouldn’t be too excited. Masala mentioned, “There is no such thing a purpose to envision that this is the turning stage on this struggle.”

He said that the Russians were simply trying to stabilize their entry once more. “They have main logistical issues and lack of ammunition, personnel.

“But when they stabilize their line, we will quickly slip back in the exact same place that we were in for the last three month.”

He said that the counteroffensive had “neither been an unbelievable army victory for Ukraine.”

Russia’s Forces are in a bind

Masala stated that Ukraine had “systematically targeted and bombed the necessary Russian logistic intersections along the 1,300-kilometer entry line.”

Masala said that “they destroyed ammunition depots” and that the Russian air pressure was within the south. He also mentioned that it could have led to a Russian jets were withdrawn from Crimea.

Masala said, “All of this has created the conditions for the success of the previous two days.”

“However, the factor that most likely even the Ukrainians didn’t foresee is the level of panic amongst Russian soldiers. As they were aware of their defeat by the Ukrainians, troopers fled.

Putin’s possible response to the failures of Russian forces

While Russia refers to its actions against Ukraine as “particular army operations,” Masala said that Russia’s failures could force Putin to declare it a struggle.

He said that this might allow him to name a common mobilization which could give him an immense reservoir of people to ship to the entrance. “Recruitment issues can be resolved in one sweep. To be clear, they wouldn’t receive any significant army training.

Neumann said he was concerned that Russia might change its method to a “scorched earth coverage.”

He stated that he meant widespread bombing of inner cities and destruction of civilian targets without regard for those who remain there. “I consider…” What happened in MariupolThere is nothing worse than that.”

Neumann said that Russia won again at the beginning of the conflict because it had Ukrainians in its side. He mentioned that Russia had to maintain the propaganda image of ‘liberated’ people. “In doing so, Moscow failed miserably — it grossly underestimated the Ukrainians’ will to withstand.”

The use of chemical and nuclear weapons must be prevented

Masala stated that Russia could use chemical or nuclear weapons against them, but it was “always a theoretical option.”

He stated that it was not strategic because the prices might be too high for Putin.

“Where would he use these guns?” To make the Ukrainians surrender to you, Kyiv. This might not work, as Putin is likely to have realized by now. He would be at risk of contaminating his own people, so it isn’t sensible on both sides.

Neumann also expressed an analogous opinion. He stated that he felt using nuclear weapons was out of the question for the moment. “Putin knows that the US would immediately intervene in the conflict in such an instance. Putin is fully aware that this will be his end.

He also mentioned chemical weapons in the same way.

He said that US President Joe Biden was witness to the “grave penalties” of President Barack Obama’s actions failureto keep his “crimson line”, regarding the use of chemical weapons in Syria.

Neumann stated, “I doubt he’d repeat it.”

Masala stated that “The use of nuclear or chemical weapon would in all likelihood trigger what it has so far effectively prevented: the complete worldwide isolation of Russia.” Even countries such as China, India Brazil, South Africa and Indonesia could oppose it.

“The militarization and use of nuclear energy plant was discussed at the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty Evaluation Convention (August). Even the Chinese language felt that the Russians had gone too far. They expressed concern about Situation at Ukraine’s Zaporizhzhia nuke energy plant.”



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