Sunday, September 25, 2022
HomeAnimalsPit Bull Wakes Mom Up With Odd ‘Grumble’ And Leads Her To...

Pit Bull Wakes Mom Up With Odd ‘Grumble’ And Leads Her To Unconscious Son

Pit Bulls are often associated with negative stereotypes in society. They are often misunderstood as aggressive, mean dogs. However, they are gentle giants that are used by their owners to fight other dogs.

Pit bulls that are used in dog fighting are chained to their homes and neglected. Sometimes they get thrown into the mix with other dogs. They can do incredible things if given the chance to live a normal life.


Image (Screenshot/Story video Source Credit: YouTube Video: Local 12 Channel


Monroe’s Daniels family adopted Ember, a Pit Bull from Adore-A-Bull. Ember, a rescue dog from the streets, was given a second chance by the Daniels. While the Daniels family preserved Ember’s life, Ember showed them how to repay them in kind.


Image (Screenshot/Story video Source Credit: Local 12 Channel via YouTube Video


Tre and Ember have a special relationship and Ember was always there for Tre. During one of the night’s sleep, Ember took up sitting next to Tre’s mother’s bed and grumbling. Tracy, Ember’s mother, was puzzled by the strange sound Ember was making when she awoke. She knew something was wrong when she heard this strange sound emanating from her son’s room.


Image (Screenshot/Story video Source Credit: YouTube Video: Local 12 Channel


She then saw Tre’s legs dangling over the edge of the tub. His head was tilted to the back, and he had fallen in the tub during a seizure.

Tracy called 911 to alert the emergency services. They rushed him to the hospital and gave him immediate medical attention. Thankfully, Tre was okay, but he may not have been if it weren’t for his best friend Ember.


Image (Screenshot/Story video Source Credit: YouTube Video: Local 12 Channel

The Daniels family, along with Adore-A-Bull, is ecstatic about Ember’s quick reaction in saving Tre’s life. They hope that this story will end the pitbull stereotype. They want to see more people spay and neuter Pit Bulls so they are less likely to be abandoned and euthanized.


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