Thursday, October 13, 2022
HomeAnimalsPit Bull Thrown from a Moving Car and Rescued Just in time

Pit Bull Thrown from a Moving Car and Rescued Just in time

Penny the Pit Bull’s rescuers didn’t know that they were saving two lives.

Penny was thrown into a moving car by staff at Berclair Animal Hospital. They were able to rescue her. Penny was severely emaciated and injured. She also suffered from heartworms. Penny had numerous infected cuts and injuries all over her body. Her rescuers suspect that Penny was likely involved in dog fighting.

Donna Velez, the founder of Hearts of Gold Pit Rescue, in Memphis, Tennessee was contacted by the vets to inquire if she could help. Even though her recovery was complete and she was recovering from her own health problems, Donna asked the vets to send her photos. As soon as she saw Penny’s pictures, she instructed the vets to get the dog out of pain and treat her. Donna told DogHeirs that even if she couldn’t take Penny herself, she was determined to figure something out to help Penny.

Soon after, Donna drove to Penny’s clinic. Donna saw the poor, skinny dog and knew that she was going to take her. She thought “I can’t take her”. “She looked so pitiful,” Donna told DogHeirs, admitting, “Once I see them, I’m a goner.”

Donna began networking for Penny and as luck would have it, a family in St. Louis saw Penny’s photo and wanted to adopt her right away. The family already owns two Pit Bulls, and is very knowledgeable about dogs.

“She’s only been with us 10 days and she has a long way to go, but she is a good dog despite all of her antics, she just isn’t used to this lifestyle because she was mistreated for so long,” wrote Jennifer on her Facebook page. “She has already come a long way since we got her.”

Penny’s health has made a remarkable turnaround in just a few weeks. Her treatment for her advanced heartworm is working successfully and she’s learning many new things at her new home.

“Penny is really loving life now! Her appetite is HUGE which is good because she didn’t want to eat the first day home so hopefully she will start packing on some pounds. She’s still afraid of our two boys but I’m working on socializing them safely. Because she loves to go on walks, and to return to the house after we return, I have to stop her from running back. Overall this is a big adjustment for everyone but I look at it like having a new baby, lots of changes that eventually fall into place.”

The biggest surprise in Penny’s recovery, however, came this week when she unexpectedly gave birth to a puppy. Nickel is the name of the baby girl. Amazingly, Nickel is still perfectly healthy despite all the medications and traumas Penny has endured.

Penny is still nursing Nickel. Once she’s weaned, Nickel can be placed with a foster home through Hearts of Gold Pit Rescue. DogHeirs has been informed by Donna that baby Nickel may be already in the hands of someone who is interested in adopting her.

Penny’s new family sums up Penny’s change of situation and rescue well: “Just imagine the life this pup would have had if the owners didn’t dump Penny. 2 lives saved!”
You can visit Hearts of Gold Pit Rescue to find out more information about the dogs available for rescue.

Penny and Nickel’s mom Jennifer shared the sad news. Penny died from congestive cardiac failure. Jennifer commented, “I had to let her go last night, her heartworms were so bad that she had advanced congestive heart failure and her heart was more than 3x the size of a normal heart. She passed away peacefully in my arms. Nickel will stay with us of course.”

Jennifer wrote Penny’s Facebook page, “I miss Penny so much….she peed on my rug, ate my favorite hello kitty slippers, chewed up the door frames, and destroyed her kennel. I didn’t punish her. I did exactly what I promised to do when I saw her story in my Facebook newsfeed. I told her I wanted to give her the same love and a spoilt life as mine, and she did. I wanted her to be loved for many years and not just for a few months. I can’t quit the tears…she was a good dog. He was calm, sweet and always eager to snuggle. I loved her so much and I am glad I have Nickel to carry her on…RIP my sweet Penny”

Nickel is now ten weeks old. He is receiving a lot love at home.




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