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HomeNewsPhiladelphia gets a second busload of Texas-born migrants as part of an...

Philadelphia gets a second busload of Texas-born migrants as part of an intensified border security initiative

A second bus MigrantsMonday morning saw a visit from Texas to Philadelphia. 

The group arrived at the 30th Street bus stop just before 10 AM. They were greeted with blankets, supplies, and coats for the bitterly cold day. Fox Philadelphia reported. 

Philadelphia Mayor Jim Kenney tweeted, “We helped asylum seekers from Texas last Wednesday and we continue to do so today.” These people are seeking a better and more hopeful American life. We’re proud of them and give them the support and services that they deserve.

This was the second arrival in less than a week, following a push by Texas Governor Greg AbbottTo spread care to migrants in so-called “sanctuary” cities. Abbott stated that Texas had bused more than 8,400 migrants to Washington D.C. as of Monday. More than 3,800 were taken to New York City. 

“Texas is doing everything it takes to help our customers” Overwhelmed Border CommunitiesHe said it Monday. 


Migrants sent by Texas Gov. Greg Abbott arrive near 30th Street Station Wednesday morning in Philadelphia. Abbott has sent the buses to Democratic-led cities as a way to maximize exposure over what he says is inaction by the Biden administration over high numbers of migrants crossing on the southern border.

Texas Governor sends migrants Greg Abbott arrive near 30th Street Station Wednesday morning in Philadelphia. Abbott sent buses to Democratic-led communities to raise awareness about the Biden administration’s inaction regarding high numbers of migrants crossing to the southern border.

Abbott continues to escalate Operation Lone Star his border security initiative. According to Fox News Digital, a spokesperson for the Texas Military Department said that he directed the Texas Department of Public Safety and Texas Military Department to employ “all available strategies to address the border crisis created by President Biden.” 

Kim Carmichael, a spokesperson for Abbott, stated, “Since March 2021 the Operation Lone Star Partners have undertaken unprecedented border security measures that include arresting human- and drug traffickers in Texas and seizing enough deadly Fentanyl to kill all men, women, and children in America.” “These actions have been necessary because of President Biden’s continued dereliction of duty enforcing our nation’s immigration laws.”

She added that “until the federal government fulfills their obligation to protect Americans, Texas law enforcement will continue identifying ways to ensure our communities against record breaking illegal border crossings or transnational criminal activity.” 

Kenney stated that “sadly, racism and human cruelty are intertwined historically in how immigrants receive by and within the country, something which the previous presidential administration actively encouraged.” Kenney made these remarks upon the arrival of Kenney. First bus to bring migrants to his city


TMD last week told Fox News Digital that 10 M113 armored personnel vehicles will be deployed to the border to help secure the border. Texas–Mexicoborder as well as increasing air flights and security measures. 

APCs are used primarily to transport infantry troops in combat zones. 

The agency stated that these actions were part of a wider strategy to use all available tools to combat illegal immigration at its highest level. “The Texas National Guard takes unprecedented measures to secure our border and deter and turn back immigrants who attempt to cross illegally,” said the agency.



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