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HomeBusinessPence says he was surprised that the GOP didn’t win more seats...

Pence says he was surprised that the GOP didn’t win more seats during the midterms

  • Mike Pence expressed surprise that Republicans didn’t win more seats during the 2022 midterms.
  • Pence spoke on CBS’ Face the Nation to say that the citizens want the GOP focus on the future.
  • Pence, who released his memoir last Wednesday, continues to ponder a 2024 presidential campaign.

Former Vice President Mike Pence stated that he was “surprised” by the inability of Republicans to win more seats in the November midterm elections. But he said that he is confident in the ability of the new House GOP leadership.

InterviewOn the CBS program Face the Nation, Pence stated that, while he would like to see more Republican representation in Congress (which he does), a win is a win.

“I was surprised. “I was disappointed by the outcome of that election, even though I was there last time we defeated Nancy Pelosi’s majority. I look forward to the day when Kevin McCarthy is elected Speaker in the United States House and leads Republican majority,” he stated. Although a win is good, I would like to see more Republicans elected as Congressmen. I would like to have seen a Republican majority at the Senate.

As the election approached, many political observers favored Republicans to not only win many Democratic-held House seat en route for a majority but to also control the Senate in the final weeks.

However, Democrats held on to the Senate, winning key contests in Arizona, Nevada, New Hampshire, and Pennsylvania, while also leading in the Georgia Senate race — which will be heading to a December 6 runoff voteThe incumbent senator Sen. Raphael Warnock received slightly less than 50% votes against Republican Herschel.

The Republicans have just clinched control over the House. With nearly all races called, the GOP currently holds a 219-211 advantage. 

Pence — who served in the House from 2001 to 2013 before leaving to become governor of Indiana — said that citizens wanted to see Republicans focus on the future once they retake control of the lower chamber next year.

“I have complete confidence that the Republican leadership in Congress, the Republican majority when Nancy Pelosi hand the gavel over to Kevin McCarthy, will draw the lessons of the midterm campaign that for me show that the American people want Republican Party and frankly all of our leaders be focused on future issues,” he said. He referred to immigration and the economy. “I believe you will see Republican leadership and a Congress that focuses on these issues. People want us to be focused on that.

The former vice president is still considering a 2024 presidential bid. He would face his former boss, former President Donald Trump. launchedHis campaign for the GOP nomination was unsuccessful last week.



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