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Pelosi discusses Trump’s attack on her husband as Trump calls for an end to her career

  • Nancy Pelosi Monday discussion CNNThe recovery of her husband from a violent attack on the political system.
  • “[A]Pelosi: “Ny revisiting it is really traumatizing.” TelledAnderson Cooper.
  • Pelosi’s interview had aired. Trump called Pelosi ‘crazy’ shortly afterwards.

Nancy Pelosi was elected to the House shortly after. Interview at the table for the first timeSeit ihrem Mann war Their San Francisco home was attacked with a hammerDonald Trump addressed a rally in Ohio, calling for her to stop “once and forever.”

Nancy Pelosi described to CNN’s Anderson Cooper the moment Capitol Police showed up at her home to inform her of her husband’s brutal attack. Paul Pelosi was attacked while looking for her. Nancy Pelosi described the traumatizing attack as a shock to her whole family.

Paul Pelosi is now recovering from surgery to correct a skull injury he sustained during an accident. On October 28, 2008, a hammer was used to attack the victim.. Brooke Jenkins, San Francisco District Attorney, described the violence as “politically motivated,” basing her comments on David DePape’s attacker. DePape is who Has a hazy political history and conspiratorial beliefsFace it! State and federal charges including assault and attempted kidnapping.

Nancy Pelosi: “You can see the reaction on the other side of this, to make fun of it, which is really traumatizing also.” CNNShe also criticized the response of Republicans to the attack. She said she has not discussed details of the attack with her husband as it was “really traumatizing.” 

Just a few minutes after Nancy Pelosi’s interview aired was over, the former president of Trump took to the stage at an Ohio rally in support of Senate candidate. JD VanceImmediately, he quickly changed his comments to attack the Speaker of House. 

Trump said to his Ohio audience that he was going to vote for “an incredible slate of American first Republicans up and down” the ballot. “And then you will end Nancy Pelosi’s political career for good.”

During his speech, former president called Speaker of the House (second in line from the presidency) an “animal” and lamented that she had led two impeachment attempts against him “for nothing.”

Nancy Pelosi said the same in her CNN interview. Her decision has been affected by the attackHer eventual retirement but declined to provide details about whether she felt compelled to leave the position or stay.

Experts on extremism, political violence, and other topics have been InsiderThey are concerned about violence during the midterms. This is a result of anti-Democratic rhetoric, threats made largely mainly by GOP politicians and Trump supporters.

It’s difficult to get ordinary people to commit violence. But it becomes easier when they’re made to appear less than human. They are made into threats and violence is used as a defensive strategy. MAGA politicians have been doing each of these,” Rachel Kleinfeld (a senior fellow at Carnegie Endowment for Peace, and an expert on political violence), said. Insider.

Insider asked for comment from Trump and Nancy Pelosi, but did not receive any response. 



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