Sunday, October 30, 2022
HomeTechnologyPebble receives a new lease of Life with Google Pixel 7 support

Pebble receives a new lease of Life with Google Pixel 7 support

What you should know

  • Google is rumored to have added Pixel 7 support to the Pebble smartwatch app.
  • The app’s last update also makes the smartwatch brand that has been around for 10 years compatible with future Android devices, which support 64-bit applications.
  • This update also increases the reliability of the app’s Caller ID function.

Pebble smartwatch users will be delighted to hear that their wearable device has been given a new lease of Life. Google has updated the Pebble smartwatch application, allowing it to run on future Pixel 7 series smartphones and other devices that support 64-bit apps.

Pebble’s support was discontinued after Fitbit acquired the company in 2018. Google bought what was left of Pebble. But, much of the work to preserve the brand was done by the Rebble team.



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