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HomeBusinessParty to Back Trump 2024: A Bad Mistake

Party to Back Trump 2024: A Bad Mistake

  • Rep. Mo Brooks stated that ex-President Donald Trump shouldn’t be the GOP’s presidential nominee in 2024.
  • Brooks, in an interview with was harsh about his former political ally.
  • He said, “I challenge anyone to make the argument you can trust Donald Trump’s word.”

Rep. Mo Brooks is a former president Donald Trump’s most loyal congressional supporter. In a recent interview, Brooks stated that it would be a “bad error” for the GOP nomination of him to be the party’s 2024 presidential candidate. Brooks also called him “dishonest” as well as “incompetent.”

When speaking with, Brooks — who unsuccessfully sought the Republican nomination for Senate in Alabama this year and has said he will retire from politics after his term ends in January 2023 — sharply criticized Trump following a midterm election cycle where GOP gains were muted and a conservative-led red wave never materialized on a national level.

“It would make a huge mistake for Republicans to elect Donald Trump as their nominee for 2024. Brooks stated that Donald Trump has shown himself to be dishonest and disloyal. He is also incompetent and crude. This, Brooks said to the publication.

He added that even a candidate campaigning from his basement can beat him,” making fun of President Joe Biden’s cautionary approach during the COVID-19 pandemic. “It’s just how it works.”

Brooks, who is, that he did not fight for Trump in the November 2020 election, but had spoken out to protect elections.

Brooks stated, “I didn’t fight for Donald Trump after 2020.” Brooks stated, “I fought to ensure election integrity. Donald Trump was just a beneficiary of it.”

Trump supported him after he had entered the 2022 Senate election.

After telling GOP rally attendees that they should, however, in August 2021 Look to the FutureTrump is not focused on 2020. WithdrewHe endorsed him and stated that his long-time ally had “woken up.”

Brooks tried EarnestlyTrump’s endorsement again, but the former president refused to support another candidate.

Brooks finished second in the May primary behind Katie Britt, an attorney and former Senate chief-of-staff. Trump supported Britt, but this was before a June runoff election. This was because no candidate received more than 50% of the vote.

Britt was able to defeat Brooks, but he lost the runoff. It’s easy to be electedLast Tuesday, in the Republican-heavy country.

During the interview, the congressman continued to criticize Trump.

Keep in mind 2016, when I said that he was dishonest. You cannot trust one word he says, and I have never retracted that. Donald Trump is a disgraceful man. However, that doesn’t change the truthfulness and accuracy of my statements. I challenge anyone to say that Donald Trump is trustworthy.” he stated.

Brooks answered a question about who could carry the GOP banner 2024 and said that Ron DeSantis, or someone like him, would be a good choice, as would Sens. Ted Cruz from Texas and Rand Paul in Kentucky.

“We need someone honest, someone with good character, someone the American people can respect. Brooks stated that although they may disagree, they still respect one another. Ron DeSantis, on the other hand, is a champion for the foundational principles which have made America the greatest nation ever.



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