Wednesday, November 2, 2022
HomeEntertainmentNintendo Switch is getting 'The Oregon Trail’

Nintendo Switch is getting ‘The Oregon Trail’

No, you are not dying of dysentery. The Oregon TrailSwitch will soon have the ability to play the Nintendo Switch.

Gameloft, the publisher of the computer lab session game, announced Tuesday that an updated version was coming out. Steam, the Microsoft Store and Nintendo are all available for PCAt the end of November

According to Steam, Gameloft is listed as “Steam” The Oregon TrailThis sequel to the original game promises “a modern twist of the trials and triumphs of the road towards Oregon”. According to the publisher, there will be 15 playable routes and seven quests that were inspired by historical events. The game “immerse the players in exhilarating adventures ranging from the historically correct to the completely extreme”.

The game’s goal is to safely transport your party from the American frontier to Oregon in the shortest time possible. Each decision you make affects the outcome. This means you will need to build your party with people of different skills and personalities. Next, you will monitor the health and stamina of your party. Also, you will need to manage your wagon’s inventory and prevent any breakdowns. You’ll also meet and study animals on the trail.

The hunting and rafting elements will return as well as all the classic hazards — broken limbs, river fording, transporting gunpowder through the desert, blizzards, snakebites, starvation, exhaustion, and yes, dysentery — and there’ll be a new fishing minigame with over 80 species.

Gameloft indicated November as the release date, so it can be expected within the next few days. You can still download the game from Gameloft. The millennial version of The Oregon Trail (really).



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