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HomeScienceNext-gen journalism tells the story of next-gen science

Next-gen journalism tells the story of next-gen science

If you feel like you could use a boost of hope for the future, don’t miss the “SN 10: Scientists to Watch”Profiles in this issue. For the seventh year, we’re featuring early- and mid-career researchers who are racing to solve big problems and answer big questions. In doing so, they’re creating a dazzling future for science.

Every year I find it fascinating to learn about the 10 scientists and marvel at what they have accomplished. And in a stroke of serendipity — and the good planning by our special projects editor Elizabeth Quill — the authors of this year’s profiles are all early- to mid-career science journalists.

“Scientists are usually excited to share their work,” said associate editor Cassie Martin, who wrote three of the profiles, when I asked about the experience of writing for SN 10. “What makes SN 10 so special is that we get to know these people on a deeper level. They pull back the curtain, letting us see what makes them tick.”

Nikk Ogasa (staff writer) had a similar reaction. “It’s inspiring and fascinating to hear about someone following their passions for so many years.” In the case of Robin Wordsworth, the planetary scientist at Harvard University who Ogasa profiled, his love of science fiction and dream of someday standing on another world has driven him to Supercomputers can be used to recreate the climate on early Mars.

“I’m grateful for the trust the scientists give us to tell their stories,” said Aina Abell, Science News’ editorial assistant, who wrote three profiles. “That’s why I feel an enormous sense of responsibility not only to represent their science accurately, but also give our readers a sense of their heart and their humanity: who they are, what drives them, how they perceive the world. It makes for really electric and inspiring conversations.”

That comes through in her profile of biological anthropologist Tina Lasisi of the University of Southern California, who is applying scientific methodology to better understand human variation — including Curly hair is something that some people have, just like her..

Former Science NewsAnna Gibbs, an intern, wrote a profile. Asa Stahl was a Ph.D student at Rice University in Astrophysics and was our AAAS Mass Media Fellow for the summer.

Ogasa was also a intern. Many of our staff writers started out as interns. Science News. We host three interns each year and one Mass Media Fellow. These talented writers receive extensive mentoring to assist them in developing their skills and exploring possible career paths. We also help them produce high-quality journalism. They bring us their energy, new ideas, curiosity and excitement about covering science, and we’re lucky to have them with us.

Many of our early-career journalists and interns have become leaders in science journalism over the years. I’m proud that we’ve been able to help these amazing young people on the way to achieving their career goals and know that the future of science journalism is in good hands.



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