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New Study Suggests Aliens Don’t Visit Us Because Our Sun Is Too Boring : ScienceAlert

The Fermi ParadoxIt won’t disappear. It’s one our most intriguing thought experiments, and generations upon generations of scientists continue to struggle with it.

This paradox is a contradiction between high-estimates for the number civilizations in the galaxy and the fact that none of them exist.

It says that if fast-growing civilizations exist in Milky Way then they should have reached our Solar System. It is possible that none of them have ever existed.

Scientists and thinkers have tackled the issue. Fermi Paradox I tried to think of a reason we don’t see any evidence that our technological civilization is expanding.

The odds of interstellar travel being possible may make life extremely difficult. It might be so simple.

But a new paper has a new answer: Maybe our Solar System doesn’t offer what long-lived, rapidly expanding civilizations desire – the correct type of star.

Understanding the Fermi Paradox is essential to understanding the concept. Drake Equation. The Drake Equation gives a probabilistic estimate for the number of civilizations within the Milky Way.

It doesn’t tell us how many civilisations there are, but it does give an overview of the concepts that we must consider if we wish to calculate how many civilizations exist.

The Drake Equation’s most important component concerns stars. The Equation calculates star formation rates in the galaxy and how many stars have planets. It also considers how many planets might be home to life.

The Equation goes further by asking how many planets have life and how much of that becomes technological civilizations. It also asks how many civilizations emit signals into the space beyond Earth to reveal their existence. It also estimates the lives spans of these civilizations.

We can get different estimates of the number of technological civilizations by using different variables for each question. Although it’s a thought experiment that is supported by evidence, the results are rudimentary.

The Fermi Paradox has been addressed by a new paper, which focuses on star type. This paper argues that not all star types are suitable for an expanding technological civilization. Low-mass star, in particular K-dwarf starsThese are the best targets for migration in long-lived civilizations.

The paper is described as “Fermi paradox: Galactic settlement by low-mass stars in a solution” and the Astrophysical JournalnaIt has been accepted for publication by l. Jacob Haqq-Misra, Thomas J. Fauchez are the authors. Haqq-Misra, a Senior Research Scientist at the Blue Marble Space Institute of Science (Seattle, Washington) Fauchez is a Research Assistant Professor of Physics at the American University in Washington DC.

The paper opens with a summary the Fermi Paradox. “A rapidly expanding civilization could spread throughout the galaxy, so the lack of extraterrestrial settlements in the Solar System suggests that such expansionist civilizations don’t exist,” the authors clearly state. State.

These authors refer to the Fermi Paradox’s most well-known analysis. It was created by Michael Hart, an American astrophysicist in 1975.

Hart’s paper “An explanation for Earth’s absence of extraterrestrialsIt was published in Quarterly Journal of the Royal Astronomical Society. It is considered the first comprehensive analysis of the paradox.

Hart demonstrated in his paper how a civilization can expand across the galaxy in a shorter time frame than the galaxy’s life span.

Hart described what would happen if a civilization sent colony ships to the closest 100 stars. They could colonize these star systems and each colony could then do the same. The process could continue.

Hart stated, “If there was no pause between trips the frontier of space exploration would be roughly on the surface a sphere whose radius is increasing at a speed 0.10c.” Write. “At that rate most of our Galaxy would have been traversed within 650,000 Years.”

Hart pointed out the fact that a technological civilization would have had ample time for us to reach them if they had not started more than 2 million years ago. Hart believes that the only reason there isn’t evidence of alien civilizations, is because they don’t exist.

Hart’s paper reached two conclusions. SETI and similar attempts are a waste. And if anyone colonizes the Solar System, it will probably be our descendants.

This paper’s authors disagree.

Many people who consider the Fermi Paradox assume that all stars are equally attractive to a spacefaring civilization and that the civilization would spread across the globe in equal numbers. But is this true?

According to this paper, the authors don’t believe so. “We suggest, following the hypothesis of Hansen & Zuckerman (2021), that an expanding civilization will preferentially settle on low-mass K- or M-dwarf systems, avoiding higher-mass stars, in order to maximize their longevity in the galaxy,” they Send an email.

It is difficult for humans to gauge stars based on their longevity. What difference does it make to an astrophysicist if one star lasts 10 billion years while another lasts for 10 trillion?

But now, imagine you’re part of a decision-making body for a civilization that is a million years old – or even older – and has expanded to different solar systems. If you are a star, then your age is important.

Long-lived K dwarfs and red dwarfs are M dwarfs (red dwarfs). Even for an advanced civilization, colonizing another system would require a lot of resources. You don’t want to spend your money on star systems that won’t last.

In this paper, the authors calculate a new time frame for colonizing the galaxy by calculating the amount of time it takes for a galactic civilisation to reach all low-mass stars. This is assuming that the civilization targets only K dwarfs or M dwarfs. It would take two billion years for galactic civilisations to reach all low mass stars.

They stated that this would require interstellar travel capability of less than 0.3 ly to settle M-dwarfs, and approximately 2 ly for K-dwarfs. Send an email.

A civilization with greater travel capabilities could drastically reduce the two-billion-year time span. “Even greater rapid expansion could occur within two Myrs with travel requirements of around10 ly in order to settle all M–dwarfs and approximately 50 ly in order to settle all K–dwarfs.

These estimates assume that civilization spreads in waves through the galaxy. There would be periods when the civ would have to wait for a favorable Star to come close.

The authors The case should be made that “… civilizations can leverage close stellar encounters to rapidly expand across the galaxy without the need for relativistic spaceflight.”

The authors Say itThe 2 million-year settlement scenario can be safely rejected.

“But, this scenario can be excluded, along with full galaxy settlement. This is based upon our assumption that there hasn’t been any settlement of the Solar System.” They also Say itThe lack of evidence for other civilizations supports the low-mass star hypothesis.

They said that the lack of extraterrestrial colonization of the solar systems is consistent with an expansion limit of half the galaxy, M dwarf stars or K-dwarfs stars. Send an email.

According to the authors, there may be a low-mass star called Galactic Club, which could be spreading through the Milky Way at this time. We can’t rule out it just because we haven’t seen it. According to the old saying, “The absence of evidence does not mean there is no evidence.”

They noted that “In particular, it is noteworthy that a low-mass Galactic Club, which arose from a parent Gdwarf system would have had ample time to develop in galaxy history without us paying any attention to its activities.” Send an email.

What is the driving force behind a species’s continuous expansion? Population growth? Energy needs? Scientific curiosity? Dominion of others?

They stated that they do not know if such galactic-scale expansion would make technological civilizations more commonplace or desirable. Send an email.

There is no way to know for us. Modern humanity is just one-quarter to a million miles into its journey. We have only been cultivating crops for 10,000 years, and we made our first tentative steps in space only a few decades back.

Time-tested motives and thought structures that drive us are not always the best. We can only wonder about the sociological organization of an ancient spacefaring race and whether their desire to expand would continue. Perhaps it becomes pointless after a while.

The authors Say itIt’s worth still looking for signs that another civilization is expanding, even if it means we have more evidence to constrain our thinking. Our target should be stars with low mass.

“The exoplanetary system search for technosignatures can put constraints on the existence of such a low-mass Galactic Club in the galaxy.” Hart disagrees with them and says that SETI and similar endeavors are a wasteful use of time and resources.

Time is the master of our universe. Time rules everything, from our lifespans to the ages and lives of other civilizations to life and death on planets and stars. While relativity can alter the course of time, it cannot stop it from passing.

We don’t know the nature of civilizations or how they manage time. Is our experience biased? Yes, we are.

What if alien life is so unlike ours that we need to make corrections in order to even talk about the Fermi Paradox? What if their entire understanding and experience of time is vastly different than ours?

Imagine if aliens could master life extension, and can live long enough to allow them to be part of multiple expansions into other star system. What if they aren’t just individuals but a hybrid of an individual and a genetic collective? What if they have the ability to take in genetic information in ways we cannot imagine? What if their breeding methods are hopelessly obsolete and they don’t have to worry about the limitations of a short lifespan? What if they’re not organic beings anymore? What if they were symbionts, you ask? What if there are many other what-ifs?

What if their societies are so diverse that it is unnecessary to expand? What if the expansion of their societies isn’t worth it? It would appear that this would lead to civilizations dying if their planet stops supporting life. But what if the planet stops supporting life? What if there are hundreds of other things that we don’t know about?

Things that we cannot think of are kind of useless, except for the fact that they exist.

This is the end of many discussions surrounding the Fermi Paradox, and the Drake Equation. We don’t really know all the details. Humanity is still very young.

Humans are curious and that is one of our most beloved traits. These questions are a passion for scientists like Fauchez or HaqqMisra. Are they right? Are they right?

Is there an expanding galactic civilization within the Milky Way galaxy?

We might never know. We should continue to look.

This article was first published by Universe Today. Please read the Original article.



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