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Neighbor Jumps 8 Feet into Storm Drain to Save Dog 911 Refused To Aid

It is highly unlikely that an 87-pound dog would lose sight of you while on a walk. However, Riley disappeared from Lana Norman’s Las Vegas home as she walked her German Shepherd Riley at night. Riley I fell into a storm drainageThis was missing the grate and landed several feet below surface.

Norman tried to contact professionals for help but no one responded. Norman’s neighbor was quick to jump in and take action. Not only was Norman terrified for her own dog’s safety, but she also worried that other pets and children could encounter the same fate. How many other situations have you seen like this?

Help Doesn’t Arrive

Norman and Riley were out walking around 7:15 p.m. Riley plunged into a small hole in ground seemingly out of the blue. An opening was visible where the storm grates should have been, and it was partially covered in hay.

“Then next thing I know he was down the hole, and I was going, ‘Oh my God,’ ‘Oh my God,’” Norman said. “I’m screaming at him, I’m crying. I’m totally freaking out. How am I going to get my dog out of this hole?”

Riley fell eighteen feet below ground in an underground drainage ditch stuffed with garbage. Norman immediately dialed 311 to request emergency help but was not answered. So she called 911 to get emergency help, but they didn’t answer.



Then, 911 transferred Norman back to 311, who still didn’t answer. Norman then called every person she could find, hoping that someone would be able help.

Good Samaritan Saves the Day

A neighbor noticed Norman in panic and brought him to safety. They jumped into the opening and pulled Riley free without hesitation. Although Riley is now safe, Norman worries that this could happen more often than she realizes. Although Riley is her best friend, the hole could pose a danger to humans as well.

“What if it were a kid? What if it was someone’s child?” Norman said. “What if it was an elderly person walking along here?”



Norman was shaken for hours afterwards. Riley is such a big part of her life, and she’s grateful that someone was willing to put themselves at risk to rescue him. She has no idea what would’ve happened if her neighbor hadn’t saved the day.

She contacted authorities about the danger a week later. Shortly after, a piece of wood was placed over the hole. After her public outrage, the county stated that the grate was now fixed. However, Norman still worries that there are other hazards out there that haven’t been fixed.

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