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HomeScienceNASA's All-Star UFO Study Team (Planet Earth Report weekend): A New Explanation...

NASA’s All-Star UFO Study Team (Planet Earth Report weekend): A New Explanation for Consciousness


The Galaxy Report

This weekend’s stories include Why mystery surrounds what may be Earth’s oldest tree to The computer errors from outer space to Why did 11 billion Alaskan Snow Crabs suddenly disappear? There are many more.

If Evolution has any to say about it, humans may be the only intelligent living thing in the universe., reports Nick Longrich for “We may be utterly alone in the universe. Could it be that intelligence is unlikely to evolve? Unfortunately, we can’t study extraterrestrial life to answer this question. But we can study some 4.5 billion years of Earth’s history, looking at where evolution repeats itself, or doesn’t.”

How the ‘Black Death’ Left Its Genetic Mark on Future Generations–Scientists have discovered several genetic variants that protect Europeans from the bubonic plague — but also increase the risk of immune disorders, reports Carl Zimmer for the New York Times.

Why mystery surrounds what may be Earth’s oldest tree–Keeping the location a secret is essential to protecting it from overenthusiastic tourists. According to the Washington Post, the ancient bristlecone also faces danger from the drought. Edmund Schulman was a scientist at Laboratory of Tree-Ring Research when he collected the initial cores of Methuselah in 1957. He found that small bristlecone trees were more ancient than large sequoias. 

NASA announces its UFO Study Team MembersAccording to NPR, “The selected research group includes professors, scientists, an oceanographer and others who study space. Former NASA astronaut Scott Kelly and Nadia Drake, a science journalist and contributing writer at National Geographic, are also among the group’s members.

Eucatastrophe: Tolkien’s word for the “anti-doomsday”–“Before he wrote The Lord of the Rings, the author JRR Tolkien coined a word – “eucatastrophe” – that scholars would still be writing about 70 years later. What did he mean, and why could it relate to the very real story of humanity?” reports BBC Future.

We Don’t Know Where Aliens Are, but Here’s Where They Probably Aren’t–An atmosphere-less planet may help us eliminate thousands of possible alien residences, reports CNET.

BBC Future reports on computer errors in outer space. “The Earth is subjected to a hail of subatomic particles from the Sun and beyond our solar system which could be the cause of glitches that afflict our phones and computers. And the risk is growing as microchip technology shrinks.”

Scientists have developed a new explanation of consciousness.SciTechDaily. “A new theory of consciousness has been developed by a researcher at Boston University’s Chobanian & Avedisian School of Medicine, describing why it evolved, what it is useful for, which disorders influence it, and why it is so difficult to diet and resist other urges. According to a new theory, choices are formed unconsciously and become conscious around half a second later.”

Scientists Identify Over 30,000 Near Earth Asteroids — How Likely Is Impact?What is the likelihood that one of the 30,000 identified asteroids could have an impact on our planet? This video asks The Weather Channel.

Mysterious Bright Blue Blobs in Earth’s Atmosphere Photographed From Space,Newsweek. “Despite their mystical appearance, these two blobs of light are actually the result of two separate phenomena: lightning and the moon.”

Paleo was the diet of our ancestors. It included carbs.–There is no one prehistoric meal plan. The Hadza, a modern hunter-gatherer tribe, has revealed surprising facts about the varied menus used by humans in the past, Diana Kwon reports for

Auroras blasted a 250-mile-wide hole in Earth’s ozone layer, reports Elizabeth Rayne  for –Auroras set off spectacular light shows in the night sky, but they can also affect the ozone layer.

How Cities Can Fight Extreme Heat Before It’s Too Late,Slate. It all begins with better data. “Sidewalks without a hint of shade. Heat radiating upwards from asphalt streets and downwards from walls. Hot exhaust belching from cars, trucks, and buses—all these summer-in-the-city miseries and more are contributors to the urban heat-island effect.”

Why did 11 Billion Alaskan Snow Crabs suddenly disappear? asks  Molly Olmstead for Slate. “Scientists are still trying to understand the mystery that has shut down a major fishing industry—but they have theories.”

‘Spooky action at a distance’ can lead to a multiverse. Here’s how, reports Paul Sutter for Each quantum interaction might produce a new reality.

Not Science Fiction: Methane-Eating “Borgs” Have Been Assimilating Earth’s Microbes,SciTechDaily. The balance of atmospheric methane may be aided by a newly discovered type transferable DNA structure. Star Trek: The Borg are a ruthless, hiveminded group that assimilates other beings in the hope of taking over the galaxy. Here on nonfictional planet Earth, Borgs are DNA packages that could help humans fight climate change.”

Brain Evolution and Competition are Linked–In a highly competitive environment, Trinidadian killifish grow larger brains. This neuro-evolution results in higher fitness and survival rates according to UT Arlington

Avi Loeb discusses Consciousness and UAPs, AI and Time Travel

How to store data for 1000 years–Most current data storage systems eventually stop working. There are options. “You know you’re a nerd when you store DNA in your fridge,” reports BBC Future.’

The Evolution of 439-Million-Year Old Fossil Teeth Rejects Long-Held IdeasSciTechDaily.

The Moon’s Volcanoes were Erupting One Billion Years Later Than We Thought.According to the Good News Network. “Scientists had previously believed the moon became “geologically dead” three billion years ago. However, new lunar samples collected during China’s Chang’E-5 mission last year have revealed eruptions on its surface were still happening two billion years ago.”

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