Monday, November 28, 2022
HomeBusinessMusk to Revive Banned Accounts on Twitter Next Week

Musk to Revive Banned Accounts on Twitter Next Week

  • Twitter owner Elon Musk stated Thursday that he would reinstate almost all accounts banned by him.
  • After Musk’s Twitter poll that received more than 3,000,000 votes, Musk made the decision to make this move.
  • A new report has found that Twitter took down less hate-speech-related tweets this year than 2021.

Elon Musk, the Twitter owner, took another step to demolish the social media platform’s hate speech protection mechanisms.

Thursday Musk tweetedMusk stated that he would “amnesty all suspended Twitter account that haven’t broken the law” or been involved in “egregious Spam” After Musk conducted a poll on Twitter that received 3.1 million responses, the decision was taken. Around 72% of respondents voted for reinstating these accounts, while 28% voted no. 

“The people are speaking. Next week, Amnesty will begin. Vox Populi and Vox Dei,” Musk tweeted, quoting a Latin phrase which means “the voice the people is the voice God”. 

Musk continues to relax the platform’s restrictions on enforcement of posts containing hate speech. Buy Twitter for $44 Billion last month. Musk revived Donald Trump’s Twitter account last week. Permanently suspendedFollowing the insurrection in the Capitol, it cited at the time a “risk for further incitement to violence.” 

On Thursday, European Union regulators published A reportIt was found that Twitter removed less hate-speech content than it did last year. According to NBC News.

Twitter removed 45.5% of hate speech posts it was notified about, down from 49.8% in 2021, according to a sample analyzed in the EU report — and those numbers are worse than any other social media platform tested, which includes TikTok, Facebook, and YouTube. 

Trump’s bank account has not been the only one to be revived. Other accounts have been restoredMarjorie Taylor Greene (Republican representative), controversial influencer Andrew Tate (a psychologist who made his own comments about women) and Jordan Peterson (a psychologist who has a reputation for spreading misogynistic, violent comments about women). Account suspendedAfter tweeting about trans people. 

Musk took control of the social network company before Musk. criticizedPlatform for “failing” to adhere to freedom speech principles He has previously Announced plansTo create a “content moderation board.” Musk’s vision for Twitter may prove difficult to realize after the exodus. Many employees have quit the company.Musk has offered his ultimatum to his employees in recent weeks Either you work long hours with high intensity or you quit.



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