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Meet a Mom of Two Who Received $1,000 per Month from a Basic-Income Programme

  • Kimberly McNair received $1,000 per month over a one-year period through a basic-income plan. 
  • The program is currently helping 100 low income Black mothers in Jackson Mississippi. 
  • The majority of basic income programs are designed for those who have higher rates of poverty.

Kimberly McNair didn’t realize how she would cover the costs of her car accident in December last year. 

McNair, who was 35 years old, didn’t own car insurance. Her car was totaled. She was without insurance and had to pay out of her own pocket for a new vehicle. She was suddenly in debt for two vehicles. 

Insider told her that she needed a car to commute to work, get groceries and pick up the children from school. “So that didn’t leave me with many other options.” 

McNair was able to become a participant in Magnolia Mother’s Trust. It is a basic income program that provides $1,000 per month to 100 low and middle-income Black mothers in Jackson, Mississippi for one year. Magnolia is currently in its third cohort and has been funding it with a combination individual and institutional donations. 

Magnolia, a basic-income program like Magnolia, has seen a surge in popularity worldwide over the past few decades, particularly as the pandemic. causedFinancial strain for low-income households Insider reportedThere were at least 33 basic-income programs in the US that were currently or recently activated by 2021.

In that basic-income programs aren’t tied to traditional welfare programs, they don’t require recipients to report their use of the money. 

Magnolia is a program that targets low-income members of those groups who are most likely to face financial hardship. California is an example. ProvidesFunds for programs that support pregnant women and young adults who are leaving the foster-care system. Another ProgramMinnesota’s St. Paul offers financial assistance to parents who have been affected by the pandemic. 

“The reason the Magnolia Mother’s Trust is focused on Black mothers in extreme poverty is for several reasons — including the FactsThat shows that Black children and women are more likely than any other population to be in poverty,” Aisha Nyandoro of Magnolia told Insider. “It is impossible to talk of economic justice without accounting to race and gender. Yet so many economic policies fail to reflect that.”

McNair stated that in addition to paying for her car, the Magnolia funds also help her pay rent, groceries, and other expenses. She said that it is also helping her pay off past medical debt. 

McNair stated that people struggle every day, even when they have full-time jobs. McNair said, “It is not enough to be able do everything all by yourself. It’s important to have money. 

McNair’s basic income allowed her to pay for her car repairs and medical debt. 

McNair has been receiving $1,000 from Magnolia every month for the last year. The funds have been crucial in helping McNair get a car, pay her medical bills, and even to pay for her sons’ youth soccer league. 

McNair, who works in the local unemployment office earns around $36,000 per annum. Prior to this gig, McNair was working in a call center earning $30,000. She’s made enough money to support her family and her sons, but unexpected medical expenses cost her her life. 

“I fell ill a few times last yea, so I was forced to stay at the hospital overnight. “I had episodes where my illness was severe and I didn’t know what to do,” she explained, adding that she owes $6,000 in medical bills. 

Magnolia’s money helped her pay for a range of expenses. She pays for groceries with food stamps, but cash from the basic-income program means that her family has more options — and that her kids can have more than one serving of food more often.

McNair explained that Magnolia lets her budget for after school activities for her boys. She can use her funds to purchase equipment and registration for both of them. 

She said, “The children grow so much.” “You can buy clothes one week, and then the next they’re too small.” Just making sure that they have enough, like a decent pair of shoes and school supplies, the money goes a long way… kids don’t want to feel like they don’t have a life, people need an extra boost to make sure kids are able to eat out once a month and do something special, to show them that they’re appreciated.” 



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