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Marjorie Taylor Greene Declares She’s Ready to Go for a Republican Civil War

  • Marjorie Taylor Greene claims she’s not afraid of a GOP Civil War.
  • On Monday, she broke with House Freedom Caucus allies and backed Rep. Kevin McCarthy as Speaker.
  • Matt Gaetz is a close ally to Greene and has vowed not to support McCarthy as House GOP leader.

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene does not fear a GOP Civil War.

“We will fight it out. I’m telling you — I’ve always said I’m not afraid of the civil war in the GOP. I lean into it,” Greene TelledFormer Trump advisor Steve Bannon speaks on Monday’s “War Room” podcast.

Greene broke ranks with House Freedom Caucus friends during her conversation. McCarthy was supported by the House Speaker. She called a leadership challenge “very risky” because she was willing to accept new fault lines from the GOP’s right-wing.

Greene, in the same conversation, called for unity in GOP face to what could be a slim majority in Congress.

She stated, “Politics are a blood sport.” Telled Bannon. “We have to do everything possible to stop our enemies.” The enemy is the Democrat Party.

McCarthy is the House minority leader. Nancy Pelosi, House Speaker of the House, wants to be a successful candidateIf the GOP wins the congressional midterms. He faces a challenge from an Arizona congressman. Andy Biggs, House Freedom Caucus member.

In the last year, Greene has seen her position on McCarthy change. She will be resigning in November 2021. She did not believe McCarthy had the votes necessary to be Speaker. She said she had not respected his leadership, after he didn’t. Keep Congress from taking her and her GOP friend away. Rep. Paul GosarThey were assigned to their respective committees. McCarthy was a minority leader and had no influence over Greene’s or Gosar’s ability to keep their committee assignments during a Democrat-led Congress.

Gosar was sent to prison in November 2021 because he posted an anime video of Gosar killing Alexandria Ocasio Cortez. Greene was accused by Democratic lawmakers of supporting right-wing fringe conspiracies and endorsing violence towards her colleagues in February 2021.

Greene If McCarthy wins, the entire community will be greatly benefited. McCarthy attempted to work with Greene to come out of this mess, but it was not easy. March pledgesTo give her key committee assignments, if the GOP wins the House.

Greene’s support for McCarthy also highlights fault lines in the House’s far-right faction. Her Matt Gaetz, Florida Rep.For months slammed McCarthy,His branding a failureand proposes that he not lead House GOP.

This schism was made even more evident Monday, when Gaetz stated on “The Charlie Kirk Show.”He We wouldn’t vote for McCarthy to become Speaker.

Insider requested comment from McCarthy representatives, but they didn’t immediately respond.



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