Sunday, November 27, 2022
HomeBusinessMany Sign a Christian Petition against Trump's 2024 Bid

Many Sign a Christian Petition against Trump’s 2024 Bid

  • A petition has been started by a Christian group protesting Trump’s 2024 campaign.
  • Faithful America has asked Christians to “speak out against Trump’s candidacy for president.”
  • As of press time, close to 15,000 people had signed the petition.

An organization of Christians has collected thousands of signatures to protest Donald Trump’s 2024 presidential campaign. 

The PetitionLaunched on November 16, by Faithful America. The group It is an online Christian community, founded in 2004, that “organizes the faithful to challenge Christian nationalism or white supremacy.” 

At press time, 14,904 people had signed the petition — just shy of the organization’s goal of 15,000 signatures.

In their petition, the group urged Christians to “speak up” and “make it crystal clear that Donald Trump does NOT share our values and will not win our votes.” 

“We don’t yet know how the 2024 elections will play out, but we do know that a Trump presidency would spell disaster for our country,” stated the group in a petition. 

“In a speech laced with fearmongering and lies, Trump made it clear that he intends to double down on the fascist tactics that led to the deadly January 6 Christian-nationalist attack on our Capitol,” the group added. 

Faithful America also stated in its petition that the Bible teaches love, equality and dignity, which it claims Trump’s MAGA movement “clearly rejects.” 

Nathan Empsall, a reverend as well as the executive director for Faithful America, told NewsweekTrump said Monday that he had “weaponized Religion” in his two previous presidential campaigns in 2016 and 2020. 

Empsall stated that neither the church nor the country can afford to continue four more years of this charlatan’s fascisms, racism, misinformation or ego.

This position of Faithful America comes at a moment when many of Trump’s evangelical friends have either withheld from supporting him or have publicly attacked him. Trump announced his 2024 campaign at Mar-a-Lago on November 15 — about two years out from Election Day in 2024 — pledging to make America “great” and “glorious” again. 

Robert Jeffress is an evangelical pastor who has been a long-time Trump supporter. Newsweek – that he would hold back on his endorsement of Trump until he wins the GOP nomination. 

Jeffress stated, “The Republican Party is heading towards a civil War that I do not desire or need to participate in.”

Even Trump’s former spiritual advisor James Robison was last week Trump is considered an “elementary student”On Wednesday, during a meeting of National Association of Christian Lawmakers (NACL), per The Washington Post.

Robison stated, “We have to stop amputating one another, slicing the other, and join together in supernatural unity, that Jesus Christ prayed about.” 

“If Trump can’t get rid of his little petty issues how can he expect people not to do the same for major issues?” He added. 

Insider reached out to Trump’s press office for clarification, but they did not respond immediately. 



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