Tuesday, November 29, 2022
HomeAnimalsMan Hears an "Ear Piercing Scream" and Finds A Puppy Lost In...

Man Hears an “Ear Piercing Scream” and Finds A Puppy Lost In The Jungle

Niall Harbison is a local dog rescuer who was riding his moped along the streets of rural Thailand. He heard something strange coming from the bush. He stopped abruptly at the spot.

By pure accident, Harbison said in an Instagram post, “I came around the bend on my usual path and heard an ear-piercing scream.”



Harbison noticed the little, sand-colored puppy writhing in dark brown grass.

Harbison stooped and the nervous dog dodged him as he tried to run.


“I could feel her shaking and her little heart racing at a million beats a second,” Harbison told The Dodo.

Once the puppy realized Harbison was trying to help, she began to relax into her rescuer’s hands.



Harbison surveyed the surrounding grass and made tiny movements as he considered his next move.

He soon found the two puppies’ sisters. The whole family was lost in the forest.



In a way, Harbison admitted, “I was a bit happy.” The puppy had not, at least, been abandoned by itself.

Harbison carefully loaded three puppies onto his moped, and they rode safely.


Here’s a video showing their rescue operation.


The puppies slowly relaxed in Harbison’s dog shelter where they were safe. Their confidence and vigor returned after a few hours.

“They were shaking with the cold and still very nervous for a few hours,” Harbison said. “They then got back to being puppies and causing mayhem by playing with each other, eating and drinking and sleeping, and generally being cute!”



The sisters, now known as Kim, Khloe and Kourtney will continue to live at the shelter until their recovery is complete and they are large enough for them to begin looking for permanent homes.

They can now relax and be puppies, without worrying about their own support.


Source: The Dodo



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