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HomeHealthLyme Ticks Are Being Spread by Deer in Suburban Backyards

Lyme Ticks Are Being Spread by Deer in Suburban Backyards

By Steven Reinberg
HealthDay Reporter

TUESDAY, September 20, 2022 (HealthDay News). — These deer look so sweet, quietly grazing in your yard. However, the Northeastern United States’ overpopulations of white-tailed Deer could make it more widespread. Lyme diseaseA new study has suggested that anaplasmosis is a tick-borne disease, particularly in suburban areas.

These deer are known to carry an enormous amount of food. TicksTwo diseases that can be transmitted are no longer restricted to forests. They often live in yards of suburban homes, which increases the risk of spreading the disease.

Jennifer Mullinax, lead researcher said, “Your yard is your home. If you are concerned about ticks, tick management, or damage done, then recognize that this is where they choose to live. You can either work with them, or against them.” She is an assistant professor of Wildlife Ecology and Management at the University of Maryland.

The deer are not an actual threat to our health. Mullinax explained that deer ticks, which are black-legged and carry lone stars ticks, spread Lyme and other illnesses.

Lyme disease can be fatal. Bacterial infectionIt is caused by infected tick bites. It can cause a rash and fever as well as headaches, fatigue, and nausea. It can spread to the heart and joints if it is not treated. nervous system. Anaplasmosis can cause similar symptoms, and can lead to hemorhages or kidney failure.

These ticks breed and lodge on your lawn, causing these diseases.

Mullinax explained that as more development takes place in their habitats, deer become closer to humans and landscapes offer them easy access for grazing on grasses and shrubs. Mullinax stated that your lawn is safe, warm, safe, has fewer predators and is convenient.

The study over five years found that suburban deer spend their nights within 55 yards of human homes.

Mullinax’s group tracked 51 deer equipped with GPS tracking devices for the study.

Trackers showed that deer preferred to avoid residential areas during the day but gravitated towards them at night, especially in winter. They slept in yards and near houses, as well as within yards of apartment buildings and houses.

Mullinax stated that the presence of deer in residential areas increases the risk of people being exposed to tick-borne diseases. She said that reducing tick populations through the removal of deer and treating areas where deer have laid down can help to limit spread of disease.

Although managed deer hunting can reduce tick numbers, it is difficult to eradicate the entire herd, according to the study. It was noted that suburban hunters are not desirable and that chemically decreasing the fertility of deer doesn’t work.

Mullinax suggested that you can limit the access to your yard using deer fencing and mulch barriers. But, it may be possible to stop disease by controlling the tick population.

“Lyme disease is most commonly contracted from tick bites. She explained that there are many methods to control ticks. “It’s pointing out that the state agencies as well as the county agencies need to make some changes in managing the deer population.”

Dr. Marc Siegel, a NYU Langone Medical Center clinical professor of medicine in New York City, reviewed the findings.

There are several ways to reduce the number of ticks in your yard. Cut your grass. Spray your yard for ticks. Use tick repellent. After spending time outdoors, be sure to inspect your body and clothing.

Siegel stated, “I tell them that they should look out for bumps in their scalp and around their pubic region.” “I tell them if you feel tired, it might not be COVID — it could be Lyme.”

Lyme disease is difficult to diagnose. Siegel said that he doesn’t hesitate to prescribe antibiotics for Lyme patients if they are symptom-free.

He stated, “I am in the category over-treaters.” “But this study does not make me look bad because it basically says that these things are out of control. We anticipate seeing a lot more diseases.”

The journal published the research online on September 17. Urban Ecosystems.

Additional information

Lyme disease can be found at the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

SOURCES: Jennifer Mullinax PhD, Assistant Professor, Wildlife Ecology and Management, University of Maryland College Park; Marc Siegel MD, Clinical Professor, Medicine, NYU Langone Medical Center in New York City. Urban Ecosystems, online, Sept. 17, 2022



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