Friday, October 28, 2022
HomeAnimalsKitten insists on doing everything her Pittie brothers do, even camping

Kitten insists on doing everything her Pittie brothers do, even camping

Mom had no idea Wasabi would become a friend when she brought her kitten Wasabi into her home. They became an inseparable trio, not only did they get along with the pit bulls and kitten, but also their two pit bulls. The cat was just as eager to follow the dogs’ lead! 😀

Keiko, and Niko are gentle giants who were rescued out of a litter going to a dogfighting organization. So when Mom is scolding someone for roughhousing, it’s normally Wasabi on the receiving end of it! The kitten was treated as one of the packs from the very beginning, so now when they go camping and swimming in rivers, she’s right there with them! You can see more of their unlikely friendships in the video below. 🙂

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