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HomeScience'Killer Robots' Are Already Here. They just don't look as you think:...

‘Killer Robots’ Are Already Here. They just don’t look as you think: ScienceAlert

It is possible to believe that Hollywood can predict the future. Robert Wallace, the head of the CIA’s Office of Technical Service, and the US equivalent of MI6’s fictional Q, recounted the story of Russian spies. Would you like to see the latest Bond movie?To see which technologies may be on the horizon,

Hollywood’s obsession with killing robots is a cause for concern. Apple TV’s new movie about killer robots is the latest such movie. Courtroom drama about sex robots Dolly.

It was a phrase I had never imagined I would use in courtroom drama about sex robots. But here it is. Based on a 2011 short storyThe plot is by Elizabeth Bear and concerns a billionaire who is killed by a robot that sex. It then requests a lawyer to defend the robot’s murderous actions.

These are the real killer robots

Dolly is the latest in a long line of movies featuring killer robots – including HAL in Kubrick’s 2001: A Space Odyssey, and Arnold Schwarzenegger’s T800 robot in the Terminator series.

Fritz Lang’s classic 1927 science fiction film was the first feature-length movie to focus on conflict between humans and robots. Metropolis.

Almost all of these movies make it wrong.

Killer robotsThey won’t be sentient, humanoid robots with evil intent. Although this could make for a compelling storyline and a big box office hit, these technologies are decades away.

Robots may not be sentient, contrary to some recent fears.

It is much simpler technologies that we should be concerned about. These technologies are already being used on the battlefield in countries like Ukraine. Nagorno-Karabakh.

A war transformed

There are movies that use much simpler, unarmed drones such as Angel has fallen(2019). Eye in the Sky(2015). Paint perhaps the most accurate picture The future of killer robots.

Every night, the TV news shows how autonomous drones, ships, submarines and tanks are changing modern warfare. These robots are just a fraction more advanced than the ones you can find at your local hobby shop.

They are increasingly being given the power to determine, track, destroy, and identify targets.

This is making the world a dangerous place with many moral, legal and technical issues. For example, such weapons could further complicate our geopolitical problems. Already, we see. Turkey emerges as a major drone power.

Such weapons can cross the moral line and create a horrible and terrifying world in which unaccountable machines decide who lives, and who dies.

However, robot manufacturers are beginning to fight back against this future.

A commitment not to weaponize

Six top robotics companies announced last week they would Never arm their robot platforms.

Boston Dynamics, the company that makes the Atlas humanoid robotic robot, is among them. Do a spectacular backflip, and the Spot robot canine, which appears to be it. Straight from the Black MirrorTV Series.

This is not the first time robotics companies have voiced concern about the future.

Five years ago, I started organizing. an open letterSigned by Elon Muskover 100 founders of AI- and robot-related companies calling for regulation by the United Nations. The Pope even got knocked down to third for his support of the letter. global disarmament award.

But, it is more virtue signaling that top robotics companies have committed not to weaponize robot platforms.

For example, we have already seen third parties mount gunson clones Boston Dynamics Spot robot dog.

These modified robots have been proven to be effective in their actions. Iran’s top nuclear scientist is Assassinated By Israeli Agents2020: Robot machine guns

We need collective action to protect our future

Only nations can prevent this horrendous future from happening if they collectively act, just as they did with chemical weapons and biological weapons.

This regulation will not be perfect as regulation of chemical arms isn’t. However, it will prohibit arms companies from selling such weapons and thereby preventing their proliferation.

It’s therefore even more important than a robot company’s pledge to the UN Human Rights Council Has been unanimously determinedTo explore the human rights implications for emerging technologies such as autonomous weapons.

A number of countries have called on the UN to regulate killer robotics. European Parliament, African Union, UN Secretary General, Nobel Peace laureates and church leaders as well as thousands of robotics and AI researchers like me have all called for regulation.

Australia has not supported such calls. If you want to avoid this Hollywood future, it is worth speaking with your representative at the next meeting.

Toby WalshResearch Group Leader, UNSW Professor of AI. UNSW Sydney

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