Saturday, October 29, 2022
HomeAnimalsJimmy Stewart reads touching poem he wrote for Beau, his old dog

Jimmy Stewart reads touching poem he wrote for Beau, his old dog

Jimmy Stewart was well-known for his roles in such classics as “Rear Window,” “It’s A Wonderful Life,” and “Vertigo” and was also a veteran of World War II and the Vietnam War. Beau, his dog, was the one thing that kept him going through all of it. After the Golden Retriever suddenly passed away, the actor went on “The Tonight Show Starring Johnny Carson” in 1981 and read the poem he wrote for his beloved pet.

Try not to cry as he reads through the piece he simply calls “Beau” while channeling his inner feelings and letting all of the emotions out. It’s heartbreaking yet beautiful, and we’re so glad he decided to share this part of his life with us.

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