Thursday, October 13, 2022
HomeBusinessJapan warns citizens to seek refuge after North Korea fires its missile

Japan warns citizens to seek refuge after North Korea fires its missile

  • Japan warned its citizens to seek refuge as it tracked a North Korean ballistic missile.
  • Officials later stated that the missile was intercepted over the Pacific Ocean, and then fell into the sea.
  • This was North Korea’s fifth launch in the past 10 days. 

After warning citizens to shelter immediately from a missile from North Korea, the Japanese government caused panic Tuesday morning. It appeared that the missile flew over Japan before hitting the Pacific Ocean.

Officially, the Prime Minister’s residence tweeted at 7:27 AM local time that a missile was thought to have been launched by North Korea toward East. Officials advised residents of Hokkaido, Aomori and Aomori prefectures that they should seek refuge inside a building.

Multiple government agencies confirmed the threat, including the South Korean Joint Chiefs of Staff as well as the Japanese coast guard. Reuters that North Korea fire a ballistic missile off  its east coast. A Message on Japanese TVThe warning was reiterated, and the Tokyo Embassy of the United StatesThe alert was relayed. 

Within 15 minutes of the initial warning, the Prime Minister’s official residence announced via a tweet that the missile had passed. Officials believe that the missile passed the Pacific Ocean at 7:29 AM local time.

The government advised people to avoid touching any remains and to call the police or fire department immediately if they find anything suspicious. 

The launch — presumably a test — was North Korea’s fifth fire in the last 10 days. Although the country has already launched 23 ballistic and non-ballistic missiles this year, Tuesday’s warnings marked the first such launch in five years. 

Hirokazu Matsuno (Japan Chief Cabinet Secretary) provided additional information during a press conference. According to him, the North Korean missile flew over Japan’s Tohoku and then fell outside of the country. Washington Post reporter Michelle Ye Hee Lee.

Matsuno claimed that the missile could have a “grave effect” on the lives of Japan’s citizens. The government is currently assessing whether any debris has fallen from the missile. 

Matsuno stated that North Korea’s continued launches pose a serious threat not only to Japan’s safety but also to the safety of the entire international community.

According to South Korean statistics, the missile flew about 4,500 kilometers at its peak and reached 970 km at its maximum speed. South Korean news agency Yonhap



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