Thursday, October 20, 2022
HomeAnimalsIt’s Been A Long 3 Years, But Dog And Dad Are Back...

It’s Been A Long 3 Years, But Dog And Dad Are Back Together Again

When Mike’s dog, Jack, went missing, he never lost hope that he’d see him again. Three years later, he still believed he would see Jack again. He did all he could to help others and spent every moment looking for flyers and searching. It was hard for him.

“Ever since I lost him, I haven’t been the same really,” said Mike. “We did everything together as I’d even bring him to work half the time, and any time I’d go fishing, he was there. He was always there for me, no matter what I was doing. He was there no matter what I was doing.”

Mike was then contacted by an 8-hour-distant animal hospital and asked him if he owned Jack. After confirming the distinct characteristics of the dog’s brown spot in one eye and a completely black nail on the front paw, Mike knew it was him! He was so happy. 🙂

Jack was thrilled to be reunited with his father after he was found by accident on a road more than 500 miles from home. And their reunion is one you don’t want to miss.

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