Tuesday, September 20, 2022
HomeBusinessIslamic Morality Police Arrests Woman over Hijab Dies 'Suspiciously.

Islamic Morality Police Arrests Woman over Hijab Dies ‘Suspiciously.

  • Mahsa, a 22 year-old Iranian woman, was killed in a Tehran hospital on Friday.
  • Per reports, Iran’s morality officers arrested her on Tuesday after she failed to wear her hijab correctly.
  • Iranian police claim she died in custody from a heart attack. Witnesses report that the police beat her.

According to reports, a 22 year-old woman died Friday after she was taken into custody by Iran’s Islamicmorality police. She had been arrested for apparently not following hijab-wearing rules.

Her death followed her detention on Tuesday evening for allegedly not correctly wearing a hijab — a head covering traditionally worn by Muslim women and is mandatory in Iran.

Tehran police stated that Amini had been detained for “justification and instruction” regarding the hijab. BBC News.

Amini and her family were on their way from Iran’s Kurdistan to Tehran, the capital of Iran, when they were stopped. CNN reported.

Witnesses claimed that Amini was taken by police officers and forced into a vehicle. According to citizen journalism news site, IranWire.

Other witnesses also testified RFE/RLAmini appears to have been beaten in the car while being transported to a detention centre. Tehran police denied this.

According to The Guardian, Amini’s family received notification that Amini was sent to hospital within hours of her arrest. She was transferred to an intensive care unit.

According to state media reports, Amini’s family was later informed by police that she had suffered a sudden and severe heart attack. According to BBC News, her family claimed that Amini’s unexpected heart condition could not be explained by any pre-existing conditions.

On Friday, she died at the hospital. Human rights groups called for an investigation into the circumstances of her death.

Amnesty International stated, “The circumstances leading the suspicious death of Mahsa, a 22-year-old, in custody must be criminally investigated.”

Human Rights Watch, an international NGO dedicated to human rights, joined Friday’s calls for a transparent investigation.

Jake Sullivan, national security advisor to the US, said that the US is deeply concerned by the “unforgivable” death. He stated that the US will continue to hold Iranian officials responsible for human rights violations. Twitter.

According to reports, Amini’s suicide triggered a flurry of protests in Iran. One was held in a Tehran square near her hospital. Sky News.

According to the state-run IRNA news agency: President Ebrahim Rashi has requested that Iran’s interior ministry “investigate the causes of the incident with urgency, special attention.”



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