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Is your interview being recorded and ghosted? Here’s what to do if you don’t hear back

  • Job seekers are upset about being “ghosted,” during the application process. 
  • Glassdoor’s analysis shows that the prevalence of “ghosting”, or the mention of ghosting, after job interviews has tripled in the three years since the pandemic.
  • The number of job applicants complaining about the phenomenon was up 208% from 2019.

Potential employers are making job seekers mad at them for “ghosting” them. 

According to Glassdoor’s data, the number of people ghosting interviews after they have been completed has tripled since before and during the pandemic. AnalyseUK workers have reviewed more than 150,000 of these reviews.

Ghosting is a term that refers to Contact with employers dropped by the employers with candidates at some point during the application process — and the number of job seekers complaining about this was up 208% since 2019, per the research.

Even more disappointing for potential employees, the data shows that those who were recruited for positions reported the highest number of ghostings.

Jill Cotton, a Glassdoor career trends expert, stated that applicants can feel rejected by hiring managers after completing an interview. 

“A small part within you already sees itself in that role,” she stated. “It’s difficult mentally if you have to give up your time and the other party doesn’t respond in a similar fashion.

Job seekers who are looking for work may be able to find it. After an interview, ghostedThere are still some things they can do before they give up on a job.

Establish a timeline

It can be daunting to ask companies for a clear timeline during your first meeting. However, it may save you a lot later on. 

Cotton advised that the first interview should be a time-line.

She advised that you “go in prepared for your first interview.” “The hiring manager will ask you if there are any questions at the end. It’s a good opportunity to ask about the next steps.

She stated that candidates should not ask when they will hear back from the company, but how they will be contacted. 

She said, “If you reach the agreed deadline but have not heard from the hiring manager by that time, it gives you both the chance to follow up.”

Follow up

It is always worth following up with candidates if they don’t hear back as scheduled.

Cotton stated, “As a job applicant, I always recommend following up after an Interview, regardless of whether it’s a position that you feel is right”

She said that it is worth speaking to a hiring manager even if it is just to let them understand the position isn’t right for you.

A follow-up can be a great opportunity to reaffirm a candidate’s passion for the job or explain why the role is the right fit for them. 

Cotton suggested being as helpful in a follow up email as possible. Cotton suggested asking the company questions if they have any further information.

Do not criticize the company

It’s important that job seekers know when to move on if there is no response. 

Cotton stated, “If you don’t hear any more, even though it can be hard, I would mentally move forward and look for new job opportunities.”

However, applicants should not be able to criticize the company if they get ghosted.

She said, “It won’t necessarily help you.” “And it’s essential to remain professional.”

She said that it was important to be constructive when sharing your opinions anonymously on platforms such as Glassdoor. “Keeping constructive means others can learn.”

Ghosted candidates shouldn’t be discouraged. Cotton stated that ghosting can be disappointing but it is likely to indicate that the company wasn’t the right fit.



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