Friday, October 28, 2022
HomeTechnologyInstagram has added anti-abuse features, including DM 'kindness reminds'

Instagram has added anti-abuse features, including DM ‘kindness reminds’

Instagram is expanding its efforts. Stop abuseThis includes encouraging civility and not-so subtle encouragement. The companyDM “kindness reminders” are being introduced by the social network asking you to “keep Instagram a supportive space” when you message a creator. Although this will not deter trolls who have been using it for years, the social network hopes it will stop people from throwing insults at one another in an avalanche of anger. Similar prompts will appear when you reply to potentially offensive comments.

Filters must also be more efficient. Instagram is currently testing a method that would allow users to create filters. Hidden WordsFor creator accounts, comment and DM filtering is automatically enabled. To keep harmful language out of discussion, you don’t need to turn it on. Hidden Words can be used by all users to screen Story replies. They’ll go in the Hidden Requests folder. The company will soon filter English DM requests involving spam and scams.

This may make it easier to stop elusive abusers. You can also use the existing power to Block new accounts automaticallyOnce someone creates an account, you can now automatically block the accounts they already have. You can’t allow a harasser to switch to another account to make your life miserable.

Instagram faces increasing pressure for these additions SenateUK Regulatorsand other organizations to combat abuse and privacy violations, especially for teens. This is in addition to the ongoing fallout from whistleblower Frances Haugen’sMeta, the parent company, is accused of knowingly pushing anger-inducing content. These updates show that Instagram is trying to calm down.

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