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HomeTechnologyIndia: Google Fined $161.9 Million for Anti-Competitive Android Policies

India: Google Fined $161.9 Million for Anti-Competitive Android Policies

Google is being penalized for another allegedly illegal search. Android control is misusedTo reduce competition CNET ReportsIndia’s Competition Commission FinedGoogle received $161.9million for allegedly giving its Android apps an edge by using restrictive terms. According to officials, the company requires phone manufacturers to preinstall Google applications as part of any agreements. This, according to officials, discourages companies from creating heavily modified Android versions that rely less upon Google services.

The Commission maintains that Google is using its “dominant status” to squeak out rivals in search, app shops, web browsers, and video services. Google has always required that smartphones with the Play Store installed include Chrome and YouTube apps, which is often prominently displayed on the home screen. Although you can install alternative apps such as Vimeo or Firefox, they aren’t included with the phone. If brands want greater flexibility, they can use the Android Open Source Projects (AOSP), but this will mean that they won’t have access to the Play Store.

The regulator issued a cease-and-desist order preventing Google from mandating a “bouquet” of preinstalled applications. Companies must be able to choose the apps they want. Google cannot deny users access to Play Services. They can also include “antifragmentation” clauses to prevent Android forks or offer incentives in exchange for search deals. The Play Store must allow third-party apps to be distributed. Users must be able to select their search engine during setup, and uninstall any Google apps that they don’t wish.

Google declined to comment until it has received the official Commission order. The investigation In 2019, it was officially launchedHowever, it didn’t prove that Google was there. It was misusedJusqu’au September 2021

Google made $257.6billion in worldwide revenue last fiscal year, and the fine is small. However, the order could make it change its agreements with Android manufacturers. It also comes after South Korea. The European UnionSimilar changes were demanded by other people. And Google can’t afford to ignore India — it’s the second-largestThere are 606.6 million smartphone users in the global smartphone market. Google’s bottom line would be seriously affected, as well as its influence in mobile industry.

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