Tuesday, September 20, 2022
HomeAnimalsIn Memory of Beloved Dogs: A "Dog Library” Opens in A Minneapolis...

In Memory of Beloved Dogs: A “Dog Library” Opens in A Minneapolis Neighborhood

A creative project is making waves and getting people’s tails wagging in northeast Minneapolis.

This past weekend, a “Dog Library” was set up on Wilson Street, where people are welcome to take what they need or share old dog accessories.

In the library, you will find a bowl of water, bags and leashes as well as treats and toys.

Lisa Kronk stated, “My neighbors had come over with a little bouquet after I lost Charlie just two-and-a-half weeks ago. And we started talking about getting things out that we could share with other neighbor dogs.”

The neighbors’ inspiration for the concept came from this. Will Mound, a well-known member of the community woodworker, built the library in three days.

Making a “Little Free Library” and fairy doors are two of his projects. During the pandemic, his friend wrote him encouraging letters that he posted outside his house.

Mound added, “I was one of the first rounds of layoffs at the beginning of the pandemic and it was hard to find work at that time, so I guess I needed something to do and it was kind of my outlet”

These neighbors are bound together by their shared love for dogs and the recent loss of a pet dog. A few dogs have their dog tags with their names hanging in the library.

Dan Bullemer stated, “It’s been nice because, I mean, we all experienced it all at the same time, so we were kinda able to support each other a little bit that way.”

“It was very personal and very sweet for me to see Charlie’s name up there,” Kronk remarked.

The Mounds are anticipating visitors who will use their library. They also accept donations.

“There’s just so much out there right now that’s negative, so it’s kind of nice to feel something new,” Mound added.

On Wilson Street Northeast, next to Lowry Avenue Northeast, is where you’ll find the Dog Library.




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