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If they are given majority control, Republicans will consider using the debt limit hike to revamp entitlement programs.

House Republicans are looking for a reform to Federal entitlement programsIf you are entrusted with the majority of this November. 

GOP lawmakers state that next year will be a crucial year for raising the debt limit. This is a limit on the amount of the debt the government can borrow. The federal government can borrowThis is a chance to make sure that federal safety net programs, such as Medicare or Social Security, are able to continue to be sustainable. 

Rep. Buddy Carter from Georgia is running to be The top Republican on the House Budget Committee. “But, we must look at these programs from a different perspective and find sustainable ways to make them independent. 

Republicans are being cautious due to the volatile nature of this issue. Some have suggested raising the retirement age for Social Security and Medicare. Current Medicare eligibility age is 65. Social Security age is 66 to 67 depending on when you were born prior or following 1954. 


"We're going to make sure that if you've paid into the system, your benefits are not going to be cut," said Rep. Buddy Carter. 

Rep. Buddy Carter. 
(Tom Williams/CQ Roll Call, Inc via Getty Images

Others believe that the programs should be assessed on their ability to provide benefits for seniors with lower incomes. 

However, Republicans argue that the key to maintaining both Social Security & Medicare is means-testing welfare benefits and setting work requirements for beneficiaries. 

“There are more than 70 federal welfare programs. “All federal welfare programs should have work requirements,” stated Rep. Jason Smith, Missouri, who is running to lead the House Ways and Means Committee. 

Republicans believe that money from cracking down against welfare fraud and abuse could be used to strengthen Social Security and Medicare. They say spending cuts in other areas and plans to reduce the overspend are also possible. National Debt $31 TrillionThis will not only save money for the federal government in the long-term but also relieve it from having to pay billions of interest. 


Carter said that Carter was open to discussing all options, with the exception of cutting benefits for those who are already receiving them or are about receive them. 

Even if they are elected to control both the House of Representatives and the Senate, the GOP’s proposals will likely face opposition. Biden would likely veto any bill that majorly changes entitlement programs, as Democrats have seen them as mandates for all citizens. 

These are the most recent weeks Biden and DemocratsThey appear to be excited about a possible fight with Republicans on this topic. According to polling, Medicare and Social Security are popular with older voters, which is a crucial constituency for the GOP. 

“I’ll protect those programs. I’ll make them stronger,” Biden said during a White House event last month. “And I’ll lower your cost to be able to keep them.”

"I’ll protect those programs. I’ll make them stronger," Biden said during a White House event last month. "And I’ll lower your cost to be able to keep them."

“I’ll protect those programs. I’ll make them stronger,” Biden said during a White House event last month. “And I’ll lower your cost to be able to keep them.”
(Kevin Dietsch/Getty Images)

Republicans insist that the time to address entitlement programs is now, and they view next year’s debt limit battle in the same light. GOP lawmakers have a strong advantage over Biden in order to secure concessions from Biden by passing the debt increase. 

An aide to the GOP leadership stated that although “the situation right now is fluid”, “I think everyone knows this as a big opportunity.” “The administration won’t agree to GOP spending priorities but they don’t want the country to be in debt.” You can get off of a fiscal cliff.” 

Democrats, including Nancy Pelosi, the House Speaker, accuse Republicans of “planning a catastrophe economic meltdown” because they plan to “hold debt limit hostage” while imposing changes to Medicare, Social Security, and other benefits.

Pelosi’s press release on Tuesday stated that Leader McCarthy is the latest extremist MAGA Republican to suggest brutal cuts to Medicare or Social Security.

Medicare’s board for trusteesNotes that the hospital insurance trust fund which pays for inpatient hospital stays for people 65 years and older is expected to run out of funds by 2028. 

The trust fund is funded by a 1.45% payroll taxes that is equally levied on employees and employers. Medicare will suffer a 10% budget shortfall in 2029 when the trust fund runs out. Patients may experience cuts in their hospital stays or hospice care. The trust fund doesn’t cover any other Medicare parts, such as subsidies for prescription drugs or physician visits. These are funded by state governments and patient premiums. 

Both Medicare and Social Security are set to face major budget shortfalls if Congress does not act. 

If Congress doesn’t act, Medicare and Social Security could face severe budget shortfalls. 
(Getty Images )

Social security retirement and survivor benefits will also run out of money in 2033. As the U.S. population grows, but birth rates stay low, the program is facing a funding shortfall. If Congress does nothingOnly 78% of Social Security benefits are expected to be available by 2034. 

Carter said, “This crisis is imminent.” Although I understand that this has been said before, it is more urgent than ever. We risk losing these programs if we don’t take action. 


Both Democrats as well as Republicans appear to agree but are clearly divided on how to solve the problem. 

House Democrats proposed increasing payroll taxes to fund Medicare and Social Security. They also suggested removing income caps. The proposal is still being drafted by Republicans, but they have committed to not cutting benefits for seniors who depend on the programs. 



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