Wednesday, November 2, 2022
HomeAnimalsIf the doorbell rings, the owner returns later and inspects footage to...

If the doorbell rings, the owner returns later and inspects footage to ensure that the dog is home alone.

The cleverly received delivery package was the reason Nuomi, a dog named Nuomi, has had a lot of success recently. This canine was the only one who answered the bell when the mailman called to drop off a parcel. However, that wasn’t the only thing that happened!


Source Credit: Image/Story Source Credit YouTube Video



Nuomi can be seen lying on the ground after he hears the doorbell in this home security video. He quickly rises and walks to the entrance, acting like a good boy. Then he gets on his hind legs and swings open the door as if it’s nothing!



Image/Story Source Credit YouTube Video



The mailman looks shocked when a dog opens the door. But Nuomi wastes no time in introductions, quickly snatching the box from the mailman’s hands. Nuomi does not hesitate to move the confused man from the door to speak with someone.

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